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9 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 27, 2020 <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Review and take action on remaining articles in Draft#3 of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant <br /> of Monday October 19, 2020: (continued) <br /> Article 10 Single-Use Plastic Bottle Ban <br /> Motion made by Mr. Miller to remove the hold on Article#10 Draft#3. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Brady. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 5-0. <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr. Pettengill,yes Mr. Richardson,yes Mrs. Furbush,yes <br /> Mr. Miller,yes Mr. Brady,yes Opposed, none <br /> Discussion followed regarding the ban to prohibit the purchase by the Town of Mashpee of water <br /> or any other beverage in single-use plastic bottles of any size and the sale of water or any <br /> beverage in single-use plastic containers on town property. <br /> If the town owns the vending machine,the town would no longer provide water bottles, and at <br /> town events, the town would not provide water bottles. There was a question of a potential <br /> conflict with the COVID-19 pandemic. <br /> Section C of the article states in the event of a declaration of an emergency affecting the <br /> availability and/or quality of drinking water for Mashpee residents the town shall be exempt <br /> from the bylaw for a period of 7 calendar days after such declaration. It may be more <br /> appropriate to state at the end of the pandemic or the emergency and not after such declaration. <br /> Approval of this article would prevent the town from purchasing and selling water. <br /> It was suggested Town Counsel review the wording of this article. <br /> It was also noted the article does not prohibit persons from buying single-use plastic bottles. The <br /> municipality cannot appropriate town funds to purchase single-use plastic bottles. This would <br /> apply to the Schools as well. <br /> The Finance Committee took no action and tabled the article to the next meeting. <br />