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04/27/2020 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Agenda Packet
Town Clerk
04/27/2020 BOARD OF SELECTMEN Agenda Packet
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10/29/2020 1:51:25 PM
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APPLICANT'S STATEMENT <br /> LORRAINE J COFFEY the; Q sole proprietor; partner; corporate principal; El LLCf LLP manager <br /> Authorized signatory <br /> of NEW SEABURY RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, <br /> Name of the Entity/Co rpo ration <br /> hereby submit this application (hereinafter the"Application"),to the local licensing authority(the"LLA")and the Alcoholic <br /> " CC" to ether with the LLA coIectivel the"Licensin Authorities" fora roval. l <br /> Beverages Control Commiss�on the AB and g . y g } pp. <br /> I do hereby declare under the pains and penalties of perjury that l have personal knowledge of the information submitted in the <br /> Application,and as such affirm that all statements and representations therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief, <br /> I further submit the following to be true and accurate: W <br /> (1) 1 understand that each representation in this Application Is material to the Licensing Authorities'decision on the <br /> Application and that the Licensing Authorities will rely on each and every answer in the Application and accompanying <br /> documents in reaching its decision- <br /> (2) I state that the location and description of the proposed licensed premises are In compliance with state <br /> and local laws and regulations; <br /> (3) 1 understand that while the Application is pending, I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the <br /> information submitted therein. I understand that failure to give such notice to the Licensing Authorities may result in <br /> disapproval of the Application; <br /> (4) l understand that upon approval of the Application,I must notify the Licensing Authorities of any change in the <br /> ownership as approved by the Licensing Authorities. I understand that failure to give such notice to the <br /> Licensing Authorities may result in sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted; <br /> (5) 1 understand that the licensee will be bound by the statements and representations made in the Application,including,, <br /> but not limited to the identity of persons with an ownership or financial interest in the license; <br /> (6) 1 understand that all statements and representations made become conditions of the license; <br /> (7) 1 understand that any physical alterations to or changes to the size of the area used for the sale,delivery,storage,or <br /> consumption of alcoholic beverages, must be reported to the Licensing Authorities and may require the prior approval <br /> of the Licensing Authorities; <br /> {B} 1 understand that the licensee's failure to operate the licensed premises in accordance with the statements and <br /> representations made In the Application may result In sanctions,including the revocation of any license for which the <br /> Application was submitted;and <br /> 9 1 understand that any false statement or misrepresentation will constitute cause for disapproval of the Application or <br /> sanctions including revocation of any license for which this Application is submitted, <br /> i <br /> .D 1 confirm that the applicant corporation and each individual listed in the ownership section of the application is In <br /> � } P <br /> good standing with the Massachusetts Department of Revenue and has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth <br /> relating to taxes,reporting of employees and contractors,and withholding and remitting of child support. <br /> Sl nature; Date: 111/04/19 <br /> Title: SECRETARY,VP,DIRECTOR <br />
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