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" 'reserving public trust and providing professional services„ <br /> Mashpee Town Hall 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> (508) 539-141 Maslipee, MA 02649 <br /> Wk f9 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> r <br /> Date: April 22, 2020 <br /> TO: Chair Andrew Gottlieb and the Honorable Members of the Board of Selectmen <br /> FROM: Town Manager Rodney Collins <br /> RE: Seconsett Island Non-Resident Parking Permit <br /> Description: Seconsett Island Non-Resident Parking Sticker Permit <br /> Background: Recently the Board voted to require parking permits for the causeway area of Seconsett <br /> Island. It has since come to the Town's attention that several non-residents have moorings within the <br /> Seconsett Island mooring field of Waquoit Bay and there are Falmouth family and commercial shellfish <br /> permit holders who gain access to waquoit Bay from the Seconsett Island location. <br /> Recommendation:The Town should offer a non-resident parking permit to the Mashpee.mooring holders <br /> and the Falmouth shellfish permit holders at a cost of$100/year and further that there be only one permit <br /> issued per mooring and per shellfish permit. <br /> Pros and Cons: Mooring holders that pay taxes for the use of the mooring in Mashpee waters can access <br /> their moored boats. Also, the Town of Falmouth contributes shellfish seed to waquoit Bay and therefore <br /> Falmouth shellfish permit holders should be allowed access to the shellfish beds. <br />