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Request for reduction in performance bonds held for Definitive Subdivisions known as <br /> The Cottages Phases I and II-Mr. Rowley confirmed that the first of the drains was full of sediment, <br /> though it was Mr. Falacci's opinion that it was not related to his work, suggesting to Mr. Rowley that <br /> the area had been protected. Mr. Rowley noted that the second drain appeared to be clearer. Mr. <br /> Rowley suggested that they should be able to clean up the drain. Regarding the security, the applicant <br /> had been advised that the item would remain on the agenda until the Board was in receipt of a letter of <br /> request and notification that work was completed. Additional work was needed in Phase II for <br /> drainage located at Rock Landing Road, along with additional work. The Chair added that plans <br /> showing the monuments was also needed. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he had been in contact with Mr. <br /> Falacci who planned to complete the items as suggested by Mr. Rowley's report, and anticipated a <br /> reduction of security to be requested for the first meeting in June. The Chair agreed with Mr. Balzarini <br /> that the project proponent be encouraged to clean the drain. Mr. Rowley confirmed that he would also <br /> like to reinspect because much of the drainage area was covered during the paving and binding, <br /> following which the castings would be raised to grade and cemented. Mr. Rowley expressed concern <br /> about the possibility that castings may have been too high, requiring correction. There was consensus <br /> from Board members for Mr. Rowley to follow up with the project proponent. The matter would be <br /> further discussed at the next meeting. <br /> Country Club Estates Update-Mr. Rowley confirmed that he had sent an email May 14, <br /> regarding acceptance of the cost estimate amount for Ken Marsters, Prime Homes and Realty, which <br /> was based on an estimate from Lawrence Lynch. Mr. Rowley recommended that the 50%be added to <br /> the base amount, as was typical, but a surprise to Mr. Marsters. The total security amount would then <br /> be $267,714. Mr. Rowley stated that Mr. Marsters was requesting lot releases but the amount was for <br /> the first phase only, to the extent that the road was paved. Board members reviewed the map. Mr. <br /> Rowley suggested that Mr. Marsters identify in a written request, by lot number, each lot release to <br /> coordinate with the Subdivision plan. The item would be added to the agenda for the next meeting and <br /> Mr. Marsters would be contacted about the Board's request. <br /> Mr. Rowley also referenced the meeting originally held with Mr. Lehrer, Mr. Collins, Ms. Laurent and <br /> Mr. Marsters' representatives to discuss issues with the intersection. Mr. Rowley noted that the funds <br /> identified did not include any modifications to the intersection. Mr. Marsters has indicated his <br /> willingness to complete the work, but advised Mr. Rowley of challenges he had encountered with <br /> Eversource relocating their poles. It was Mr. Rowley's opinion that it was not an issue to delay the lot <br /> release, provided details were worked out before the end of the project. Mr. Rowley also <br /> recommended clearing the opposite side of Old Barnstable Road across from the intersection, to create <br /> a better sight line to improve the existing conditions. Mr. Rowley noted that it was possible <br /> permission may need to be acquired from the golf course and/or some of it may be within the town <br /> layout. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he would follow up with Mr. Marsters to connect him with Ms. <br /> Laurent regarding the road layout and redesign of the intersection, and ask Mr. Marsters to take the <br /> initiative regarding the pruning. The item will be added to the next agenda. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about lighted signage and Mr. Rowley responded that he believed it had been <br /> included with the final plans, which could be reviewed. The Chair inquired whether Mr. Marsters <br /> should be invited to speak with the Board regarding the intersection but Mr. Lehrer noted that the <br /> Board had already approved his redesign of the intersection. Mr. Lehrer had contacted Mr. Marsters <br /> regarding the redesign, but Mr. Marsters had noted that, after placing the base coat per the plan, but <br /> without the redesign, he was waiting for further discussion regarding funding with the DPW. Mr. <br /> Lehrer confirmed to Mr. Marsters that the redesign was a benefit to the subdivision and public safety <br /> and had asked that he move forward on the redesign, and it would be necessary for the security to <br /> 2 <br />