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NEW BUSINESS: <br /> • Discussion: Garden expansion options for current and future planning. 2020 gardeners <br /> renewal eligibility for 2021, current Wait List, out of town gardeners <br /> Ms. Scharfenberg said we were at maximum capacity for the 2020 gardeners. The group <br /> discussed possibly expanding the garden for next year. Suggestions have included possible <br /> locations at Mashpee Commons or Mashpee Village. She noted that a number of years ago <br /> Mr. Talbot and the Assistant Conservation Agent did a comprehensive search for suitable <br /> garden locations and found no Conservation- or Town-owned sites suitable and sunny enough <br /> except for our current one. <br /> Regarding the 2021 season, current gardeners would get first choice; there is currently a <br /> waiting list of 6 people. Ms. Simpson asked if non-residents were eligible to have a plot. Ms. <br /> Scharfenberg said there is no mention of that in our Bylaws. Mr. Talbot said we should give <br /> priority to residents first. Ms. Simpson asked how one would find out if a plot is available, Ms. <br /> Scharfenberg replied that is would be listed on the website. <br /> Lynn Harris' husband Rick and Frank Gallello are building compost bins. <br /> • Black Earth Compost <br /> Rose DiGregorio told the group she learned of Black Earth Compost and thought we could possibly <br /> search out grants to use for the Mashpee Community. Ms. Scharfenberg asked her to gather more info to <br /> present at the next meeting. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS: This space is reserved for topics that the Chairman did not reasonably <br /> anticipate would be discussed. <br /> Ms. Scharfenberg said that member Irene Checkovich thought about providing a survey to the current <br /> gardeners asking questions about their 2020 gardening experience. The survey could ask for a 1-10 <br /> scale rating of the experience, any highlights, suggested improvements, as well as any suggestions to <br /> change rules and regulations. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Motion: Mr.Talbot moved to adjourn, Mr. Fand seconded. <br /> Vote: 4-0 unanimous <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7:29pm <br /> NEXT MEETING DATE: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM <br /> a <br /> y Su mitted, <br /> ng <br /> 2 <br />