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10/19/2020 Annual Town Meeting
10/19/2020 Annual Town Meeting
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Town Meeting Warrants
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Dear Mashpee Voters: <br />This document is the Finance Committee's report on the Warrant Articles enacted by the Board of Selectmen for <br />the Town Meeting of October 19, 2020. <br />The Finance Committee is comprised of seven volunteers appointed by the Town Moderator. As mandated by the <br />Mashpee Charter, our purpose is to review all articles posed on the Town Meeting Warrant and provide <br />recommendations, as well as the impact on the tax rate. Also required is that the Finance Committee provide <br />written explanations of all articles on the warrant. <br />The Warrant for the October Town Meeting includes twenty (20) articles. Over the past month, the Finance <br />Committee has met with the Town Manager, various Department Heads, and other Town officials for guidance, <br />clarification, and their expertise on all articles submitted. In the following report, under each article, we have <br />explained and offered our recommendation. <br />This year, the Finance Committee sees the following articles to which you should pay particular attention: <br />• Article 1 will rescind the authority to issue any remaining unissued balances for five (5) previously <br />authorized bonds and notes. These were authorized for capital projects that are completed without the <br />full amount of bonds or notes being issued. The total amount of these unissued is $1,334,318.70. <br />• Articles 6 through 9 will provide the funding from reserves available for appropriation to cover the <br />increased salaries from four union contracts which concluded negotiations. These contracts were with <br />the Administrator's Units A and B, and the Public Works Units A & B. These increases represent the cost <br />of living increases for the first year of the approved three-year contracts. The total amount of these <br />contracts comes to $134,418. <br />• Articles 13 and 14 propose updates to Mashpee's Zoning Bylaws to improve the Town's stormwater <br />management practices and review processes to bring them in line with its MS4 General Permit issued by <br />the Environmental Protection Agency. <br />• Article 17 will authorize the acquisition of several portions of various properties around Old Barnstable <br />Road and the Mashpee Rotary which are necessary for the Route 151 Corridor Improvement Project. <br />• Article 18 will authorize the use of funds for designing a wastewater and stormwater collection system <br />for the Route 151 corridor. The construction of the designed system will be concurrent with the Route <br />151 Corridor Improvement Project in order to avoid having to tear up the newly constructed area during <br />a future phase of the Wastewater Management Plan. <br />Since all of the articles in the October Warrant have funding sources and do not seek to raise funds, approval of <br />any/all of these articles will have no impact on the FY2021 tax rate. <br />We suggest you take time, as the Legislative Branch of the Town government, to familiarize yourself with the <br />Warrant articles prior to Town Meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask any one of us on <br />the Finance Committee before or during Town Meeting. You may contact us by phone at (508)539-1401 or through <br />the Town of Mashpee website at, by clicking on Finance Committee under the Boards & <br />Committees tab. <br />I look forward to seeing you on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. at Mashpee High School. <br />Thank you, <br />Jeff <br />Jeffrey C Pettengill — Chairman <br />A Gregory McKelvey— Vice -Chairman <br />Darlene Furbush —Clerk <br />Michael R Richardson <br />John Miller <br />Patrick Brady <br />1 <br />
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