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and/ or County grants, including reimbursement under Chapter 132A, Section 11 of the General <br /> Laws, the "Self-Help Act", to be applied by the Town toward the financing of this purchase, <br /> and to enter into contracts or agreements with Federal, State and / or County agencies, private <br /> conservation trusts or other entities or persons in connection with the purchase of all or a <br /> portion of such land and its preservation for conservation and passive recreation purposes, <br /> including enforcement of conservation restrictions on the land; and finally, to see if the Town <br /> will authorize the Conservation Commission and the Board of Selectmen to enter into <br /> agreements and execute any and all instruments as may be necessary on behalf of the Town to <br /> effectuate said acquisition, sale, transfer or preservation; or take any other action relating <br /> thereto. <br /> Submitted by the Open Space Committee <br /> Explanation: This article would authorize the Board of Selectmen to purchase, on behalf of the <br /> Conservation Commission, a 12.37 acre parcel in the South Mashpee Pine Barrens and adjacent <br /> to existing Town conservation land, Mass. Division of Fisheries & Wildlife land and Seabrook <br /> Village. The area is actively being marketed, is in the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge and <br /> the recharge area of the Red Brook/ Hamblin's Pond and is recommended for acquisition by the <br /> Comprehensive Plan. The purchase would be paid for with Land Bank funds. The Town may <br /> split this purchase with the Mass. Division of Fisheries & Wildlife and may utilize the services <br /> of the Orenda Wildlife Land Trust, as was done with, the Bickerstaffe property in 1999, to <br /> acquire and hold the land until the Town and state are able to purchase it. <br /> Motion to dispense with reading of article made. <br /> Motion to dispense with reading of article passes at 8:41 p.m. <br /> Motion made by Wayne Taylor. <br /> Motion. I move the Town vote to authorize the Selectmen to acquire, by purchase or <br /> otherwise, for conservation and passive recreation purposes, all or a portion of that parcel of <br /> land identified on the 1999 Mashpee Assessors' Maps as Map 98, Block 1, consisting of 12.37 <br /> acres, more or less, located between Holland Mill Road, Old Ockway Road and "Coombs <br /> Avenue" and shown on a "Plan of Land in Mashpee, Mass. prepared for Heirs of Maurice F. <br /> Greaney", dated October 6,, 1989, by Schofield Brothers, Inc. Registered Land Surveyors, to be <br /> held in the care and custody of the Conservation Commission pursuant to Massachusetts <br /> General Laws Chapter 40, Section 8C; and further vote to appropriate and transfer from the <br /> Land Bank Fund established by the Town under the provisions of Chapter 293 of the Acts of <br /> 1998 (An Act Relative to the Establishment of the Cape Cod Open Space Land, Acquisition <br /> Program) $100,000 for such purpose, including expenses incidental and related thereto and <br /> farther,, to vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds $500 to the Issuance of <br /> Debt Account; and further, to authorize the Board of Selectmen to apply for and accept Federal, <br /> State and / or County grants, including reimbursement under Chapter 132A, Section 11 of the <br /> General Laws, the "Self-Help Act"', to be applied by the Town toward the financing of this <br /> purchase, and to enter into contracts or agreements with Federal, State and / or County agencies, <br /> Private conservation trusts or other entities or persons in connection with the purchase of all or a <br /> portion of such land and its preservation for conservation and passive recreation purposes, <br /> including enforcement of conservation restrictions on the land; and finally, to authorize the <br /> Conservation Commission and the Board of Selectmen to enter into agreements and execute any <br />