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05/04/2009 Special Town Meeting
05/04/2009 Special Town Meeting
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Town Meeting Warrants
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Dear Fellow Residents of Mashpee: <br /> This informational packet includes a summary analysis of items that residents will be asked to vote on at the May <br /> 4`h Town Meeting. <br /> The Finance Committee is a volunteer group of 7 members appointed by the Town Moderator. As outlined in the <br /> Town of Mashpee Charter, the Finance Committee serves as advisors by reviewing the financial business of the <br /> Town of Mashpee and presenting this before each Town Meeting to outline the impact of the Budget and the <br /> articles to provide education and analysis for the residents of Mashpee. <br /> The analysis includes the fiscal year 2010 Operating Budget for the Town of Mashpee. You will find a complete b' <br /> breakdown and comparison table of the expenses in fiscal year 2009. i <br /> i <br /> The Warrant Articles include the information presented in each article for vote and a summary done by the Finance <br /> Committee to outline the aspects of the each article considered as the vote was taken. <br /> j ;Ry <br /> This Budget season we have worked with impressive collaboration among the leadership of the Selectmen, Town y <br /> Administration, Department Heads, School Administration and School Committee. Under tremendous fiscal <br /> pressure and economic uncertainty in our future,the results of the work of all of your Town officials and managers <br /> have resulted in a conservative and productive view of the future. <br /> l <br /> While the operating budget for FY 10 is only increasing by 1.8%, off-setting non-property tax revenues are <br /> declining by almost $350,000 from the actual FY 09 revenues. But, more importantly, the Finance Committee is <br /> anticipating an additional 6% decline in the total of property assessments,because of the effect the current economy <br /> has had on property values and a lack of new construction. You will find that the Mashpee Finance Committee has <br /> voted to present you with an outline that reflects the possibility of a tax rate of$7.70/$1,000 of assessed value, or a <br /> 10% increase from the current rate of$6.99/ $1,000. After much discussion and analysis, we chose to present you <br /> with a scenario that represents an increase that should be no higher than we predict. In other words, we anticipate a. <br /> the tax rate will be no higher than that presented in this summary. We ask that you take into account the fact that 1 <br /> each individual homeowner's assessment and valuation directly effects the ultimate cost of property taxes, : <br /> preventing us from giving exact amounts to meet all expectations. <br /> In presenting you this summary we also ask that you consider that there are future expenditures about which the <br /> Finance Committee remains very concerned. Studies of the cost of Wastewater Management estimate expenditures <br /> that rival any future development and costs for Mashpee residents. We hesitate to venture any estimate of the costs <br /> at this point, but like many other towns on Cape Cod, Wastewater Treatment is becoming a critical matter. We <br /> anticipate the cost of Wastewater Management to be the single largest investment by the Town of Mashpee since its <br /> inception. We will continue to review and educate Mashpee residents on this anticipated expense, and encourage <br /> you to research the impact of Wastewater Management as the plans progress. <br /> In the Debt Schedule Table presented in this summary, you will find the purchases and growth of the number of <br /> Mashpee's Town buildings are reflected. The impact of the Fire Substation and St. Vincent property purchase are <br /> reflected in the $400,000 increase in the Debt Schedule. For this reason, the Finance Committee remains <br /> conservative in its recommendation for future debts, including voting unanimously in favor of defeat of Article 18, <br /> the purchase of the Dacey Properties. <br /> The Finance Committee also had a thorough explanation from the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School after <br /> F o significantly. In a compromise vote, the Finance Committee, <br /> seeing the estimate of Mashpee's share increase s <br /> Selectmen and Town Manager agreed to vote on a 10% increase to the expenditures of the Cape Cod Tech share, <br /> being mindful that the School Committee of the Cape Cod Tech assessed the increase based on a 20% increase. <br /> As you review and reflect on this summary, please be assured that Mashpee is in good financial standing. The <br /> Bonding Rating of Mashpee has gone up, and the Tax Rate is being kept within the 2 '/2 threshold. Conservative <br /> and progressive management has given us a solid foundation to weather the uncertainty of this economic time. <br /> 3 <br /> i ;R <br />
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