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Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes of Meeting <br /> February 3,2021 at 6:00 p.m. <br /> Mashpee Town Hall-Waquoit Meeting Room <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North-Mashpee <br /> Approved 02/17/2021 <br /> Virtual/Remote Meeting-Call In (508) 539-1400 x8585 <br /> Broadcast Live on Local Channel 18 & Streaming at <br /> Present: Vice Chair Joe Callahan, Mary Waygan, Dennis Balzarini, John Fulone, and Robert <br /> (Rob) Hansen (Alt.) <br /> Also Present: Evan Lehrer-Town Planner <br /> Absent: Chairman John (Jack) Phelan <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> Vice Chair Callahan opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and welcomed Planning Board members to <br /> the meeting. Due to the pandemic and Town of Mashpee regulations, the meeting was being held <br /> virtually, but the Chair announced that it was being live streamed on Channel 18 and could also <br /> be viewed Although public comment was not expected, <br /> viewers wishing to comment could call (508) 539-1400, extension 8585. <br /> The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. <br /> WORKSHOP—COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ACTION PLAN/COMPREHENSIVE <br /> PLAN UPDATE VISIONING EXERCISE <br /> Vice Chair Callahan opened by stating that Mr. Lehrer had narrowed down the Action Plan titles <br /> on the agenda. Mr. Lehrer commented that Mr. Fulone and Mr. Hanson were not present. He <br /> further stated that Chair Phelan did convey his selection of title to both him and Mr. Callahan. <br /> Mr. Lehrer asked whether the Board would like to wait to further discuss the title. Mr. Callahan <br /> commented that while he liked both titles, he chose Mr. Fulone's suggestion of"Historic Past, <br /> Bright Future." He said he was open to suggestions. Mr. Balzarini and Ms. Waygan both said <br /> that they liked this title also. Mr. Lehrer asked to make a suggestion pointing out that there was <br /> one word missing from the title that the Board liked. He felt that the word "Vision"needed to be <br /> in the title stating that the title should read"Mashpee Vision—Historic Past, Bright Future." Mr. <br /> Callahan reiterated that he felt absent members would be in favor of the title. Ms. Waygan <br /> questioned whether the title should read"Mashpee Vision" or"Mashpee's Vision." The Board <br /> felt"Mashpee's Vision"was most appropriate. <br /> Ms. Waygan asked that the Board go back to the first item on the agenda under Community <br /> Engagement Action Plan which was to review the Action Plan draft documents. She stated that <br /> the Yarmouth visioning process of Phase I is almost complete. There were 86 participants in the <br /> workshop and 382 participants in their survey. She felt these would be good goals for the <br /> Mashpee Board to reach. She pointed out to Mr. Lehrer that there are condominium associations <br /> and neighborhood associations—both formal and informal. She suggested that Mr. Lehrer email <br /> 1 <br />