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03/03/2021 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
03/03/2021 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Ms. Waygan proceeded with revisions and directed the Board to the section on page 2 that <br /> pertained to climate change impact. She also felt that the consultant should be informed that <br /> there is also a concern about energy production. Mr. Lehrer suggested that this sentence be <br /> changed to state that the Town remains focused on reducing its carbon footprint in addition to the <br /> other items listed. Ms. Waygan then suggested this revision to perhaps be included under <br /> Background or another section to include that Mashpee is a Green Community, a Housing <br /> Choice Community, has adopted complete streets and that Mashpee participates in the MVP <br /> Program. Ms. Waygan said she would also like to include that we have a committee working on <br /> local economic development. Mr. Lehrer noted the changes. <br /> Ms. Waygan next directed the Board to a sentence that referred to the bylaw in reference to <br /> housing which she read aloud. She made a suggestion to which Mr. Lehrer recommended <br /> adding the phrase "with updates to"which the Board was in agreement with. She next reviewed <br /> a paragraph on page 3 referring to promoting economic development to close the housing gap. <br /> Mr. Phelan pointed out that this is mentioned later in another area and did not want to be <br /> redundant. Ms. Waygan referred the Board to the section on Objectives and Goals which <br /> pertained to economic development and growth. Mr. Lehrer explained that the information <br /> being suggested was already included in Goal #3 which he recited. <br /> Ms. Waygan continued and made reference to page 6 referencing#9 under Proposal Submissions <br /> requesting references. She said she would like to request a five year work history from any <br /> applicants and thought it was a good idea to know where an individual might have worked before <br /> they went out on their own. Mr. Phelan asked Mr. Lehrer's thoughts after he made the <br /> suggestion of making a request for three references or provide the last 5 years of work history. <br /> Mr. Lehrer said that he did not have an issue with this but the Board could address this later <br /> during the meeting and to allow Ms. Waygan to proceed. <br /> Ms. Waygan recited a passage on page 9 under Land Use and Growth Management pertaining to <br /> water resources. She made reference to the current LCP and that when the target population for <br /> the Town was calculated it was based on our drinking water capacity. She stated that many <br /> towns take this into consideration when contemplating growth. Mr. Lehrer pointed the Board to <br /> an area which he has not yet completed but felt this point would be most appropriate added to <br /> this section to deal with water resource demand. <br /> Mr. Lehrer said in an effort to consolidate the RFP, he had hoped for the consultant to find <br /> opportunities where chapters and sections could merge. He felt that the ideal proposal would not <br /> have individual chapters for each topic but would have the statutorial mandated chapters. He <br /> wanted to give the proposer some latitude with their response. Mr. Lehrer said that the comments <br /> that Ms. Waygan was proposing in Section G are already included in Section N. Mr. Lehrer <br /> looked to the Board for comment. Ms. Waygan said the RFP becomes part of the contract and <br /> that perhaps the responder would indicate this information was never given to them. Mr. Phelan <br /> asked Ms. Waygan how she felt about linking Section G to Section N and looked to Mr. Lehrer <br /> for comment. Ms. Waygan suggested adding the sentence to the end of the Growth <br /> Management section. Mr. Lehrer said he understood Ms. Waygan's point and would try to <br /> capture this information from Section G and include it in the next draft. <br /> 2 <br />
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