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8 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> March 4, 2021 <br /> Article HELD <br /> To see if the town will appropriate a sum of money to fund implementation and construction of <br /> Phase 1 of the Town's comprehensive nitrogen and wastewater management, treatment and <br /> disposal improvement plans,including construction of the proposed wastewater Treatment Plant <br /> adjacent to the Town's solid waste Transfer Station, sewer mains, pump stations, and related <br /> sewer collection system improvements, including all expenses incidental and related thereto (the <br /> "Project"), to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen,to issue any <br /> bonds or notes that may be necessary for that purpose, and to apply the premium received by <br /> the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes thereunder, less any such premium applied to the <br /> payment of the costs of issuance of such bond or notes, to pay Project costs and reduce the <br /> amount authorized to be borrowed by the amount of the premium so applied, and, further, to <br /> authorize the Board of Selectmen and/or Town Manager to apply for and accept any Federal, <br /> State, County or other funds that may be available for this purpose and to enter into <br /> Intermunicipal Agreements for acceptance of any such grants or funds which shall be used to <br /> offset the total appropriation authorized herein, provided, however,that this appropriation and <br /> debt authorization shall be contingent upon passage of a Proposition 2% debt exclusion ballot <br /> question pursuant to General Law Chapter 59, §21C(k), or take any other action relating thereto. <br /> Article <br /> To see if the Town will vote pursuant to G.L. c.40, §59 and G.L. c.23A, §§3E and 3F to: (a)approve <br /> the Tax Increment Financing ("TIF") Agreement between Old Barnstable Road MQS CY Solar <br /> Project 2020, LLC and the Town of Mashpee, substantially in the form as is on file with the Town <br /> Clerk (the "TIF Agreement"), for private property consisting of solar photovoltaic electric <br /> generating improvements to be located at the Quashnet School (Assessors Map , Lots <br /> ), Coombs School (Assessors Map , Lots ), and Mashpee High School <br /> (Assessors Map , Lots ) pursuant to a lease of portions of said school properties by <br /> the Town, and as described more fully in the TIF Agreement, which TIF Agreement provides for <br /> real estate tax exemptions at the exemption rate schedule set forth therein; (b) authorize the <br /> Board of Selectmen to execute the TIF Agreement, and any documents relating thereto; and (c) <br /> authorize the Board of Selectmen to approve submission of the TIF Agreement and Certified <br /> Project Application, and any associated documents to the Massachusetts Economic Assistance <br /> Coordinating Council, all relating to the project as described in the TIF Agreement to be located <br /> at the above-referenced school properties and in the Certified Project Application,and take such <br /> other and further action as may be necessary or appropriate to obtain EACC approval, implement <br /> these documents and carry out the purposes of this article; or take any other action relating <br /> thereto. <br />