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5 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> February 11, 2021 <br /> Review of Town Manager's Budgetg Request: (continued) <br /> The expense budget of the Department of Public Works has increased by 18%. Appreciation <br /> was given to the DPW Director who maintains oversight on all Town buildings including <br /> schools. <br /> While trending remains a concern,the Town Manager's budget reductions in FY22; $791,202 <br /> are significant. The Town of Mashpee is active in exploring new revenue possibilities,but on <br /> the long term will the budget be sustainable? <br /> It was agreed it is a role of the Finance Committee to articulate these concerns. Revenue sources <br /> do not appear to be increasing as the costs seem to be. Some growth areas are not as robust as <br /> previous years. However,the growth in New Seabury has shown a rise in home sales with a cost <br /> overage of 15-20%. Also, in fairness, the DNR is a new and growing department which requires <br /> additional expenses for effective operations. To reduce costs, it was suggested that key <br /> personnel be challenged to look outside the box to reduce and maintain cost control, and that <br /> management workshops be scheduled to brainstorm and to expand upon concepts for <br /> sustainability. The importance of a long-term financial plan is imperative to maintain a longer <br /> financial forecast. <br /> Motion made by Mr. Carrier to approve and recommend the Town Manager's FY22 <br /> Budget in the amount of$64,924,643. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Brady. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. 7-0. <br /> Roll Call Vote: <br /> Mr.Pettengill, yes Mr. McKelvey,yes Mrs. Furbush, yes Mr. Richardson, yes <br /> Mr. Miller,yes Mr. Brady,yes Mr. Carrier, yes Opposed, none <br /> Capital Improvement Program Budget <br /> The Finance Committee reviewed the Capital Improvement Program(CIP)budget for Fiscal year <br /> 2022. The $2,656,046 budget is offset by $80,000 in Mashpee Cable &Advanced Technology <br /> (MCAT) funds to bring forth a recommended budget of$2,576,046 to the voters at the May 2021 <br /> Town Meeting. <br /> The DPW proposes to replace(3)trucks and the Fire Department (2)utility vehicles are planned <br /> for replacement. Discussion followed with respect to the cost effectiveness of a lease/purchase <br /> program. DPW vehicles tend to last longer. The vehicles to be replaced are a 2012 Ford F350, <br /> 2014 Ford F350 and a 2014 Ford F550. The option to lease the DPW vehicles is a future <br /> consideration. It was noted however,the Fire Chief in presenting his request for(2)utility <br /> vehicles was not prepared to present options for a lease program to replace vehicles. <br />