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his presentation last month. He provided materials which were forwarded to <br /> Committee members. He is aware that any new programs can place a burden on <br /> schools dealing with the pandemic. <br /> • The Human Rights Academy will take place on May 5 and the Human Rights Club <br /> is preparing a presentation describing its ongoing projects. Cheyenne reported on <br /> her successful zoom presentation involving new students and a large number of <br /> representatives from different clubs and sports. This will be a model for next year and <br /> Cheyenne will expand the program as her senior project. <br /> 2. Tribal <br /> • Since our last meeting there will be a new candidate from the Tribe running for a <br /> position on the Board of Selectmen, Marie A Stone, who has been the Tribal <br /> Secretary for many years. <br /> • Tribal elections will be held on May 16th, there will be no mail in voting allowed. The <br /> Tribe has provided vaccinations for teachers and hopes to offer them for children. <br /> • The Chair reported on a short film being provided by the Southern Poverty Law <br /> Center entitled The Forgotten Slavery of Our Ancestors: The Indigenous People. <br /> 3. Library <br /> • Gail Wilson reported that the library does not have the book My Rainbow Child. Ms. <br /> Nadeau will check for the author. The Chair suggested we investigate what books <br /> our library has on LGTBQ. Ms. Wilson also reported that the library is operating on <br /> a reduced staff and will not be available to participate in the preparation for Race <br /> Amity programming. <br /> 4.Chamber of Commerce/Mashpee TV <br /> • The Chair will contact Bill Nay about airing Mr. Kupferman's speech. <br /> 5. LGTBQ <br /> • April 23 is a Day of Silence illustrating how gay people have to be silent about who <br /> they are. The Chair will contact the GSA adviser at the school, Kristen Deschamps, <br /> to offer support. Ms. Nadeau attended a PFLAG Gender Journey Conference <br /> established for caregivers, parents, and others. She reported on gender research <br /> and a panel of trans-young adults. She saved 2 short videos. <br /> 6. Social Media <br /> • The Chair visited with the school district outreach coordinator, Consuelo Carrol. She <br /> recommended more study on the issue and using more than Facebook. She <br /> suggested resources including Mr. Loomey the technology teacher at the High <br /> School and his interns, the Chamber of Commerce which has offered classes on <br /> social media usage, Cape Cod Youth Professionals, and the Human Rights Club. <br /> She stated that platforms which allow comment are not necessarily bad but should <br /> be followed carefully. She discussed the use of several hash tags like "We are <br /> Mashpee". Can our committee devise a catchy phrase? Cheyenne suggested we <br /> could have a social media page in association with the Human Rights Club. A role <br /> could be created within the club membership or there could be an internship created <br /> through the senior project system. Willy feels this would be a good idea. <br /> • We need more ways to reach the young as well as working parents who do not <br /> necessarily read the newspaper or even Facebook <br /> 2 <br />