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3 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> March 7, 2019 <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> School Superintendent—FY2020 Budget: (continued) <br /> The proposed$22,176,919 level-service budget is comprised of$18,096,416 in salaries. <br /> Proposed operational expenses; $4,847,502 have been reduced by $228,135 to bring forth a <br /> revised operational expense budget of$4,619,368 in the fiscal year 2020 budget by identify the <br /> following reductions; <br /> Curriculum Revision(reduced from $200,000) $100,000 <br /> CIP Technology, Chromebooks, Interactive Board Systems, Teacher PC's $117,000 <br /> Reduction in Out-of-District Tuitions $ 11,135 <br /> With respect to the curriculum revision reduction, Ms. DeBoer indicated there was an adjustment <br /> in the literacy program in FY20 to be phased into the following fiscal year. <br /> Overall, the FY20 School budget is reflective of a 3.7% increase over last year. <br /> Personnel salaries and wages represent 80% of the budget. In comparison to the previous fiscal <br /> year, the salary/wage increase was 81% of the school budget. The School Department is <br /> currently negotiating with Unit C Secretaries and Paraprofessionals. Unit A &Unit B contracts <br /> are settled. The increase in FY20 system-wide salaries is 2.7% or $476,106. In the negotiating <br /> process and for budgetary purposes, the School Department acknowledges the patterns of other <br /> Cape communities, and highly considers budgetary constraints while maintaining the most <br /> favorable interests of the Town of Mashpee. <br /> Transportation costs have risen by 5.8%. The increase is nearly level with comparable towns. A <br /> vehicle replacement program is planned to rotate the lease program; 4 buses per year on a 7-year <br /> cycle. <br /> Enrollment overall is slightly decreasing. This is an observation all Cape Superintendents are <br /> experiencing. Several factors include competition with other schools such as the Sturgis Charter <br /> School and the Cape Cod Regional Technical School. With declining enrollment, budgetary <br /> increases are required to maintain classroom experiences, structure and needs that differ <br /> considerably today in comparison to past practices with respect to the education of students. A <br /> thriving school district is the heart of the community, and the schools do their best, to make it the <br /> experience the best in terms of education. <br /> Currently Mashpee students are testing well, and rank in the top tier of the Cape in terms of math <br /> and reading scores. Mashpee is comparable or above average with other like communities in the <br /> state. Grade 10 scored proficient and advanced in MCAT testing. A new next generation <br /> MCAT is being presented to students in grades 3-8. As a result,there is no comparable data <br /> available at this time. <br />