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MASHPEE COMMUNITY GARDEN ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MCGAC) <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> July 21, 2021 7:00 P.M. <br /> *Popponesset Room —Town Hall* <br /> PRESENT Virginia Scharfenberg, Lynn Harris, Bill Nay, Mohamed Fand <br /> CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Scharfenberg called the meeting to order at 7:06pm. <br /> Meeting Minutes for June 16, 2021—Virginia Scharfenberg <br /> Ms. Harris motioned to approve the 6/16/21 minutes. <br /> Mr. Fand seconded. <br /> Vote: 3-0-0 all in favor <br /> COMMUNICATIONS and CORRESPONDENCE <br /> REPORTS <br /> • Planting design and plant purchase/installation behind split rail — Lynn Harris <br /> Ms. Harris planted one service berry in the middle. Mr. Fand cleaned up behind the compost <br /> bins and started a compost pile. He thinks it will show us what condition the soil is in. <br /> Ms. Harris said the plants in the 40' x 10' bed will all be natives that will thrive on the Cape. A <br /> serviceberry is planned for the middle of the bed. She asked about who will do the digging for <br /> bed preparation since we don't want to rototill. Mr. Fand said we may be able to get <br /> donations from Maffei and other local businesses. Ms. Scharfenberg said the first thing we <br /> need to do is research plants and their availability in late August/early September. <br /> • Status of garden upkeep by members—Virginia Scharfenberg <br /> Ms. Scharfenberg said there are a fair amount of weeds and Ms. Harris agreed that people are <br /> letting them get out of control. Also, no one is turning the compost pile and we are finding <br /> things that shouldn't be in there. It was suggested everyone clean up around their beds every <br /> 2 weeks. Mr. Fand said we need to identify the weeds, some are edible. <br /> Mr. Nay said we could get some compost from Black Earth at the transfer station; the only <br /> problem is we don't always know what's in it. <br /> Ms. Scharfenberg restated that we need to let gardeners know to clean up the beds and <br /> ensure proper compost use. <br /> • Informal gardener get-togethers—Virginia Scharfenberg <br /> It was decided scheduling a get together during the week is easier than on a weekend. Ms. <br /> Scharfenberg will look into having a MCGAC meeting at the garden, possibly on 8/18/21 at 6 <br /> pm. <br /> 1 <br />