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Mashpee Economic Development Industrial Corporation (EDIC) <br /> Minutes —July 27, 2021 <br /> 6:00 PM <br /> Popponesset Meeting Room <br /> Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Carol Sherman, Denise Duston, Pamela McCarthy, Patrice Pimental, Robyn <br /> Simmons, Glenn Thompson <br /> 1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Carol Sherman opened the meeting at 6:04 p.m. <br /> 2. Approval of the minutes: <br /> Denise Duston moved to approve the minutes of the joint meetings with the Affordable <br /> Housing Committee (5/18/2021 and 6/22/2021). Glenn Thompson, seconded. The committee <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> 3. Treasurer's report <br /> The checking account has a balance of$25,13,6.48. It was down slightly due to the directors' <br /> and officers' insurance payment. ' <br /> The money market account has a balance of$305,182,63. The interest rate is down to half of <br /> one percent. <br /> 4. Old Business <br /> Patrice Pimental is resigning from The Housing Trust, and per Carol Sherman's request, will write a <br /> letter of resignation and send it to Pamela. <br /> The Housing Trust is comprised of five selectmen, one member of the FDIC, and one member of the <br /> Affordable Housing Committee, When the town gets land, the Housing Trust takes it. They don't meet <br /> often or regularly. Glenn Thompson said he was interested in serving on the Trust, Pamela McCarthy <br /> moved to replace Patrice Pimental with Glenn Thompson. Robyn Simmons seconded. It passed <br /> unanimously. <br /> Carol adjourned the meeting at 6:45 p.m. <br /> Next meeting-September 28, 2021. <br /> Respectfully subm"ittey Pamela McCarthy <br />