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16 Great Neck Road North <br />Mashpee, Massachusetts 02649 <br />Attorney Costello, the Town's Counsel, to seek and provide a more comprehensive consequential <br />resolution. She is before the Board this evening requesting the Board take corrective action as well. <br />Was there an intent to avoid the parameters of Open Meeting Law? <br />Ms. Kilpatrick goes on to say she had the opportunity to meet directly and constructively with Chairman <br />Fulone, and he made it clear it was not his intent to ever be insulting or dismissive to anyone personally <br />or in reference to the Open Meeting Law complaints. The conversation centered on the core of her <br />complaint: the avoidance and elimination of Public Comment from Planning Board meetings for over <br />what we now know is closer to six years. According to Ms. Kilpatrick, Mr. Fulone was in agreement that <br />previous direction of the Board was unchecked and unquestioned. He could not provide an explanation <br />as to why. At that time he affirmed that he was committed to a consistent Public Comment or Dialogue <br />at Mashpee Planning Board meetings. Mr. Fulone's intent is to follow guidelines of Open Meeting Law <br />and to meet or exceed the spirit of Public Comment as it pertains to Open Meeting Law, by <br />encouraging all in the Community to voice their concerns. Ms. Kilpatrick has confidence he will continue <br />to honor this cautiously and correctively. <br />Through her own and others research, is has become evident previous Planning Board Chair Mary <br />Waygan is directly responsible for eliminating Public Comment from Planning Board meetings. Ms. <br />Kilpatrick goes on to call this "gross intentional mismanagement of a municipal board with complete <br />ignorance of the obligations of the Open Meeting Law or the needs of the Community requires <br />immediate corrective action". She referenced a statement previously made by Chairman Fulone, prior <br />to June 2, 2021 the Planning Board held 73 meetings where Public Comment was not included. Further <br />research revealed that the number of intentional exclusions of Public Comment began by Mary Waygan <br />and is closer to 110 meetings. These are all potentially fineable offenses to be determined by the <br />Attorney General. Records indicate she began serving as Chair on or around July 2015, and has since <br />repeatedly provided false guidance to subsequent Planning Board members. Additionally, Mary <br />Waygan continues to show an unusual propensity for encouraging a false narrative against one <br />developer. Her creation and management of a small misguided citizen group Envision Mashpee has <br />produced several misinformed individuals, including some who serve on other Mashpee municipal <br />boards, including Sewer and Housing. Their collaboration, deliberation, and public presentations <br />outside of any municipal formal meeting, especially as it relates to matters before the Board and Town, <br />are inappropriate and unacceptable. Ms. Kilpatrick is here to update the Planning Board and Public this <br />evening as to the reporting of these incidents to the MA State Ethics Commission. <br />Ms. Waygan announced to the Chair that this is going way overboard. It has already been enough time <br />and the letter is in their packet. <br />Ms. Kilpatrick announced Ms. Waygan is out of order and she would ask Chairman Fulone that Ms. <br />Waygan be censured, this is a warning of being out of order and she would ask that Ms. Waygan be <br />removed from the room. <br />Mr. Balzarini commented he does not agree with this. <br />