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SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES <br />MASHPEE BOARD OF SEWER COMMISSIONERS <br />FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2021, 1:00 p.m. <br />SOUTH CAPE MEETING ROOM <br />MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br />16 GREAT NECK ROAD NORTH <br />MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br />*In -person Meeting — MASKS REQUIRED FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS* <br />Present: Mike Rapacz, Anne Malone, Joe Lyons, Ken Dunn, Al Towle <br />Public: Meredith Harris, Deborah Vaughn <br />1:00 p.m. — Convene Meeting Chairman Rapacz called the meeting to order at 1:03pm. <br />Public Comment N/A <br />Interview with Meredith Harris, candidate for Sewer Commission <br />Meredith Harris introduced herself and explained why she is interested in joining the Sewer <br />Commission. She answered questions from the Commission. <br />Interview with Deborah Vaughn, candidate for Sewer Commisson <br />Deborah Vaughn introduced herself and explained why she is interested in joining the Sewer <br />Commission. She answered questions from the Commission. <br />The Commission discussed each candidate and the role they would play serving on the <br />Commission. It was also discussed that there were objections to how these two candidates were <br />brought to the Commission as well as how they were already on the Board of Selectmen's <br />agenda for approval at their upcoming meeting. In the future there should be a better process <br />of knowing the criteria we are looking for in a candidate, the interview itself, and the <br />endorsement of the candidate to the Board of Selectmen. <br />Mr. Lyons motioned to submit a letter to the Board of Selectmen endorsing both candidates <br />to the Sewer Commission. <br />Ms. Malone seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 4-1-0 <br />Roll Call Vote: <br />Mr. Lyons; yes <br />Mr. Dunn; yes <br />Mr. Rapacz; no <br />Ms. Malone; yes <br />Mr. Towle; yes <br />In favor, 4; Opposed,1; Abstentions, 0 <br />