<br />POSSESSION AND Pull pessastsn orsahl Premises lime of all tenants, occupants, and personal property not Included in the
<br />CONDITION OF sale, except no hercht provided, is to be delivered at Ilia Chia of the delivery of the deed, said Premises
<br />PREMISES. to be dies (a) In the same condition as they now are, reasonable use and weer thereof excepted; (b) not
<br />In violation ofsold building and zoning lows; and (o) In compliance with provisions ofany Instrument
<br />reRrecd to In clause hereoL The BUYSR shell be entitled personally to Impact said Premises prior to
<br />Iho delivery, of the dead In order to determine whether the condition Ihereof eompllts with ilia terms of
<br />this clause.
<br />10, EXTENSION TO IfilmSELLERshallbeunabletogivetillsortomakeconvoyArimortodeliverpossessionofthe
<br />PURPECf TITLBOR Promises, all as horeln slipthlaled, or if at the [low ofCho doilyery aflhe deed the Premises do not
<br />MAKBPREMISES confbrns Willi ilio provisions Intent, thea the SELLER shall its* reasonable efforts to remove any
<br />CONFORM deRctin(hie, or to deliver possession as provided herein, ortomalmthe sold promise; terminal lothe
<br />provisions hereof, as the ease may be, In which event the SBLLBR shall giro written natico thereof to
<br />IIto BUYER before the time for pertbormu coIlemundor, and liltranpon Iho (lino for performance hemor
<br />shall be extended for a period totaling not mean than thbcy(30) calendar days. NotMngheminslwll
<br />rcqulm the Seller to spend Inure than one-half of one instant of the ante price In using "reasaaablo
<br />efrors" oxduslvo of vohmtery Ileus and eRofnay'S fie¢
<br />It. PAILURHTO Ifo[ils"xplmtlon of Ilia extended time for performance, if any, parental to paragraph 10 obov,(lie
<br />PBRPECTTITLBOR SELLER skolf have filled to to remove any Wrote In dto, deliver possessions, or make the Pmnhoso
<br />MAKE PREMISES conforta, as the ease nosy be, all as lmreln agreed, or If a any llmeduring Ilio period ofdtt Agreement
<br />CONFORM, No. or any 0x1011310u thomof, the holder ofa mortgage on sold Promises shall refuse to permit the Insurance
<br />proceeds, if any, to be used for each purposes, than any payments made under this Agreement Chad! be
<br />forthwlOn refunded to BUYER and all other obllgallore of the pant= hereto shall ccaao and Ibis
<br />Agrcommntshall be void without aneewse la rho parties herota
<br />The BUYER shall have (he deallo)), at ellher the original or any oxtanded time for porfarmancq to
<br />accopl such title as the SELLER can deliver to the said Promises in their then condition and to pay
<br />Iherof it the functions price without deduction, In which ease the SELLER shell wavey such Mlle,
<br />•
<br />except dint In the event of such conveyance In accord with the provislonx of this clause. If the sold
<br />Promises shall have been damaged by are or casualty Insured against, then Ilia SELLER shell, unless
<br />ilia SELLER has previously restored the Premises to Chair former condition, either.
<br />(a) pay over or assign to the BUYER, on delivery of Ilio deed, all amounts recovered orremverablo on
<br />account of such InwmneF los any amounts rationality expended by Oro SELLER fir any partial
<br />restoration, or
<br />(b) I ra holder are mortgage on sold Preadsas shall not permit the Insurance proceeds or a part thereof
<br />to be used to mstoio ilia said Pianists to their former condition or to bo coo paid over or signed,
<br />give to Ile BUYER a credit against the purchase price, on delivery of the deed, equal to sold
<br />amounts so recovered, reeovemble and retained by the holder odic said morlgngo teas any nmoun 1,
<br />reasonably expended by the SELLER for any partial me"llon.
<br />Tho acceplotwe ora deed by Cho BUYER or lits nominee as Ilio can may lee, shall be deemed to bee
<br />DEED
<br />fall perfbrmonco and discharge ofovery agreemppb m{uweptelion, warranty mldlor obligation Cronin
<br />contained or egpsysedrr)Scept well as aro, by The lento hereof, to be performed ager the dativery of
<br />solddeed. Except as otherwise expressly act forth herein. oil representations and womanlles so fodh In
<br />this Agreemenlshell survlva delivery of ilia decd.
<br />le. USE OF MONEY TO
<br />To onpbjgIligSBLLER to me Ila conveyance at herein provided, Iho SELLERnty, at [he llmc of
<br />del Ivory of the deed, use Ilia purchase money or any portion thereof to clear the M [a of any or all
<br />encumbrances or [metals. provided that all instruments coo prowled aro recorded simultaneously with
<br />the delivery ofsaid dad or within a customary period of limo Chancellor In acmrdnnce with customer
<br />Barnstable Counyconvoyandng practice.
<br />13. INSURANCE
<br />Unlll the dellvcry,ofthe dead, die SELLER shall maintain Plan and Ex Coverage lmurence on
<br />said premlras in Iho Amount that presently exist.
<br />Tests for the then current Eseal year, and Perk association race, shell be apportioned as of the day of
<br />porsbnmance of ibis Agreement and [Oa net amount thereof droit be added to or deducted from, as the
<br />coso may ba, Ilia purchase price payable by the BUYER at the time of delivery of the deed, except as
<br />may otisemisa be agreed to by the parties.
<br />•
<br />2
<br />