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Aashpee IncCusion andDiversity Committee <br /> 16 Great Neck R.oadNorth <br /> Nashpee, .Massachusetts 02649 <br /> Ms. Field partnered with the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. She started a <br /> scholarship fund where she would send an immigrant to college. This year they sent 11 <br /> students to college! <br /> Ms. Johnson-Graham noted the misinformation out there about immigrants, they are not <br /> taking our jobs. There is so much help needed, even around our Town. She works two jobs <br /> and her husband three. It's always been instilled in her to work hard and provide for her <br /> children, as he parents did not have the education. <br /> Ms. Field noted the work ethic in the immigrant community is amazing. She sees herself as <br /> the bridge and does not incorporate her perspective. <br /> Ms. Stevenson added that this Committee had our first Race Amity Day celebration this <br /> year where cultures blended and came together. If this project is a success, it could be <br /> incorporated into Race Amity Day. <br /> ADDITIONAL TOPICS <br /> Ms. Johnson-Graham inquired about housing at the base and barracks, they aren't being <br /> utilized, she is thinking about veterans. We have homeless veterans, we shouldn't have <br /> anybody looking for housing. She is having a hard time finding housing for her tribal members. <br /> The living conditions they came from aren't great. <br /> Ms. Stevenson said maybe the legislatures should be involved. <br /> Ms. Johnson-Graham will take that initiative. <br /> Ms. Stevenson will also follow up with the Human Rights Club. There is a Brazilian family who <br /> does not speak English, with the exception of their daughter, and they are renting a home in <br /> Mashpee. She will follow up further on this. <br /> It occurred to Mr. Kupferman about Newton having their first Indigenous Peoples Day. Maybe <br /> next year we could do an event on Indigenous Peoples Day. We should talk to the Select <br /> Board about honoring the Wampanoags next year. <br /> Ms. Nadeau stated only one town in the state acknowledged this. <br /> Mr. Kupferman does not want Ms. Stevenson to miss a guest speaker. <br /> The Committee decided there will be no meeting in November. <br /> 9 <br />