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02/15/2012 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
02/15/2012 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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r <br /> f <br /> Chairman Waygan read for the record the request. Attorney Mike Ford represented Cape Cod <br /> Cooperative Bank, the owner of the property. The Planning Board had initially reviewed the <br /> preliminary plan before it had been referred to the Cape Cod Commission. The plan was referred to <br /> the Commission because the lot included over 48 acres and any division created a development of <br /> regional impact requh`ing review. when the Planning Board reviewed the plans, some suggestions <br /> were made, such as a waiver received for the length of the road which exceeded the subdivision <br /> regulations and was agreed to by the FireDepartment- Mr. Ford stated that a detailed decision had <br /> been received from the Cape Cod Corn Fission, requiring an approval from the Planning Board, and <br /> noted that they were hound by the conditions set by the Commission. <br /> Mr. Ford stated that the plans had not changed substantially since it was last reviewed by the Board. <br /> Open space for the lot would total approximately 26 acres. The Cape Cod Commission required <br /> that the open space be subject to a permanent conservation restriction nmning in favor of the <br /> Nlshpee Conservation Commission or other qualified conservation holder in order to remain open <br /> space in perpetuity. Access to the open space parcel would be required in case of an emergency and <br /> Mr. Ford suggested an easement that would run on either side of the common boundary 1 ine of the <br /> two lots abutting the parcel at the end or to dedicate a portion of one of the lots�xaking it part of the <br /> open space. <br /> Mr. Ford indicated that he was in receipt of comments from Mr. Rowley regarding the preliminary <br /> plan. Nor. Ford respectfully disagreed with Mr. o ley's suggestion that Lot 1 did not meet the <br /> minimum required lot size. Mr. Ford reviewed Section 1' -11 of the Zoning Bylaw and stated that, <br /> as long as the new lot did not extend more than 3 o feet into the commercial zone and met the <br /> minimum lot size requirement, it-was considered buildable. Mr.fud la agreed, noting that the lot <br /> needed to 'Meet the 40,000 square foot frontage requirement. Mr. Fudala stated that, because the <br /> majority of the lot was industrial, the entire lot would be treated as industrial and met the test of the <br /> Bylaw. <br /> regarding access-to the open space lot, llrir. Fudala recommended using a strip of a lot so that it <br /> would appear on the Assessor's map and be evident to all parties. Mr. Ford indicated that he would <br /> share the information with his client and address the.issue in the definitive plan. Nir. Fudala <br /> suggested making the access no more than 20 feet wide so as to avoid the possibility of it becoming <br /> buildable tut. <br /> regarding the prior plan review in December 2010 and the goo foot road length, it was agreed that a <br /> waiver had been approved with the receipt of a Fire Department memo. Nor. Ford referenced the <br /> center line curves of the ul-de-sac, with flat sections on either side, W-A <br /> that it did not <br /> technically meet the standards of cube-sac. Mr. Ford explained that they would likely meet the <br /> 100 foot radius requirement if the area was more rounded., but noted that the straight lines were <br /> needed in order to meet the linear frontage requirements for the back lots_ Mr. Ford stated that the <br /> cul-de-sac would need to be much larger in order to meet the 100 foot radius, clearing more land, <br /> and suggested the possibility of requesting a waiver instead. Nor. Rowley stated his concerns, <br /> noting that the Fire Department needed to confirm that the radius was satisfactory for their purposes <br /> and that a tractor-trailer also be capable of u it ng the road and that adding 20 feet for ass to the <br /> open space would reduce the frontage on the lots on thecul-de-sac. Mr. Ford indicated that he <br /> would consult with the Fire Department should he wish to pursue a waiver. <br /> 2 <br />
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