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the journal was being considered as an electronic format, making it available t all members the <br /> Planning Board. Mr. Fudala inquired whether the Board would be interested in the service, the cost <br /> was expected to be $75. There was interest among Board members. Mr. FudWa stated that the <br /> organization was seeking feedback with an expectation that the service would begin in Apra. Mr. <br /> Mullin suggested that the service be considered when it was available. Mr. Fudala noted that <br /> payment for the service would not oar without the Board's approval. <br /> MOTION: lair. MaHin made a motion to purchase the Planning Commissioner's Journalon- <br /> line version on the condition that it does in fact ealst at some point, Mr. Balzarini seconded <br /> the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Assistant Town Manager Memo : open meeting Law and Remote Participation- <br /> Chairman Waygan read for the record Mr. Mayo"s env sir regarding boards' and committees' <br /> opinions about remote participation. Mr. Mullin stated that the memo mistakenly noted that the <br /> Board of Selectmen would be considering formation of a policy but,in fact, the Board of Selectmen <br /> would consider the adoption of the Attorney General's regulations as policy. Regarding concerns <br /> expressed by the Town Manager about abuse of the policy, Mr.Mullin suggested that there would <br /> be no potential for abuse since the Board of Selectmen could mind the policy and that town <br /> boards and committees would use the policy on a case-by--case basis. Mr. Mullin stated that the <br /> regulation served to open doors to people with physical challenges, allowing them to participate in <br /> meetings. Chairman Waygan stated that the Planning Board was responsible for reviewing plans at <br /> the meeting, which would make remote participation a challenge without sophisticated technology <br /> to review the plans. lair. Fudala stated that Approval-Not-Required Plans would be the only <br /> instance where plans would not be submitted prior to the meeting, which would require only <br /> quorum vote from the Board. Chwkman Wygan stated that there had been other incidents when <br /> plans were shared at the meeting. Mr. Fudala that revised plans, different from the <br /> previously-reviewed PDF plans may be considered at the meeting. Mr.Mullin also noted that a <br /> remote participant could not be used to create a quorum. Chairman waygan expressed concern <br /> about Special Permits that would require a vote of 4 Planing Board members present at the <br /> meeting_ 11r. Mullin also noted that the Chair could not serve as the Chair remotely. Mr. Petersen <br /> inquired about hove remote participation would occur. Mr. Mullin stated that all members must be <br /> clearly audible to one another and that typically speaker phone was utilized. <br /> C. Rowley Expense Vouchers-Mr. Rowley submitted his expenses for February services and an <br /> additional property review from January. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Ba!' arini made a.motion to pay Charlie's voucher for$622. 0. Mr. Balzarini <br /> seconded the motion All voted unanimously. <br /> COMIPRE ISM PLAN <br /> Coastal Resources Element Goals objectives,,Policies and Possible Action Plan items <br /> Sea level rise mate ' h irman aygan referenced a Horsley Whitten report that <br /> indicated sea level rising 20 cm in 120 gears with a prediction of 120 cm by 2100. The Chair <br /> referenced a concern regarding septic systems and teaching fields that nnay fall below the water line <br /> as well as a transfer of development rights in order to prevent building in areas that will be impacted <br /> by sea level rise. The Chair recommended that sea level rise be a consideration while reviewing the <br /> Coastal Resources Element. Mr. Rowley noted that septic systems with a 25 year life would be <br /> reviewed by the Board of Health if it were to fail, suggesting that it would be unnecessary to plan <br />