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i <br /> r. <br /> comment wasregairding Whether the Conine ion should wait to finalize their plan until FEMA <br /> finalized their plan for Barnstable County. Consents should be submitted to fir. Fudala by <br /> Monday of neid weer. Mr. Petersen was unsm-whether he would be able to attend the meeting on <br /> behalf of the Planning Board. <br /> -Adopted 1998 Goals, objectives Policies& Action Plan <br /> -2011 Regional Policy Plan Coastal on <br /> -Town Planner recommended amendments <br /> STREET 1 AMIE PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 7:10 guest lronm Town Clerk and residents torename a portion of Great River <br /> Road,lying between Russell road and the northern property line of the parcel <br /> shown on the Mashpee ors' Map as Map 120,Block 73,to become <br /> "River's Edge Road.." <br /> The appointed time having an+ied, the Chair read for the record the public hearing notice. <br /> Correspondence was received from the Town Manager requesting that a decision be deferred until <br /> the Addressing Committee met to determine that-there would be no public safety issues associated <br /> with the re-ring ofthe road. Mr. Fud la reported that a letter was received from the Fire Chief <br /> expressing concern that many roads in Mashpee began with"River." Mr_ Pudala confirmed that <br /> fire roads had"'River" in it. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Bal arini made a motion to continue the public hearing to May 16 t :10. <br /> Mr.Kooharian seconded the motion,. All voted unanimously. <br /> 7: o Request from 'Town Oerk to name three exbting and proposed driveways at the <br /> "Breezy Ares" housing development, being on the parcel shown on the <br /> Mashpee Assessors' Map as Map 72,Bloch 100,to become"Dose Dane,""Little <br /> Breezy aye' and"windy Woods Cirde." <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair read for the record the public bearing notice. <br /> Chairman waygan reported that correspondence had been received by the Town Manager <br /> requesting that the public hearing be confinued until the Addressing Committee had an opportunity <br /> to review the request for any public safety issues. <br /> MOTION: fir.Balzarini made a motion to confi nue the public hearing to May le at 7:200 <br /> Mr. Koobarian seconded the motion. Ail voted unanimously. <br /> BOARD n' MS <br /> Old Business <br /> Green Parks Discussion-The agenda for the'trout Pond walk will be amended to meet at 9 a.m. <br /> with the walk beginning at 8: o a.m. It was recommend a that all attendees be prepared for the <br /> presence of ticks and there was ce to the green ribbon lyme awareness program. Mr. <br /> alzarini offered to lead the tour. walkers will meet at the Lobster Trap parking lot. Permission <br /> had been received from Mashpee Commons to walk the parcel. <br /> It was also deternu*ned that the May 16 meeting will begin at 6: o p.m. in order to allow for a Green <br /> Parks workshop allowing public comment. <br /> Status of Phoning Commissioners Journal,subscription- <br /> S <br />