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MOTION: Mr. Bak arini made a motion to open up the nominations. Mr.Kooharian <br /> seconded the motion. All voted nnanrmonsly. <br /> oTlol : Mr. BaLzarini made a notion to elect Ms. Waygan s Chairman. lair.Kooharian <br /> seconded the motion. The nomination was accepted. AU voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION fir. Bah arini made a motion to nominate Mr.Petersen as vice Chairman. Mr. <br /> Kooharian seconded the motion. The nomination was accepted. An gated unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bai arini made a motion to nominate Mr.Kooharian as Clerk. Ms. Waygan <br /> seconded the motion. The nomination was accepted. AU voted unanimously. <br /> Chairman Waygan inquired about whether anyone had been in contact with ZV1r_ Mullin. It was <br /> noted that a full board vote may be needed should a developer submit a west to the Board. Mr. <br /> Fudala stated that the associate member position remained vaunt and recom ended that the Board <br /> pursue filling the position. Chairman Waygan will submit a request to advertise the position to the <br /> Chair of th6 Board of Selectmen. The Chair will also follow up with Mr. Mullin. <br /> Schedule Public Hearings for Street Name Changed to led Besse Road,Beachwood <br /> Point Drive and Cranberry Lane-The S Naming Addressing Group has been reviewing roads <br /> that would require a name change. Ned.Besse Road has not yet been legally named. Beachwood <br /> Point Drive has-not yet been numbered and requires a name change. Cranberry Lane must also be <br /> changed. The written request with the recommendations had not yet been submitted, but it was <br /> necessary to schedule the public hearing. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bak arini made a motion to schedule public hearings for July ie at 7:10, <br /> 7; o and ' : o to change the street names for Ned Besse Toad,Beachwood Point Drive and <br /> Granberry Lane. Mr.Kooharian seconded the motion. AD voted unanimously. <br /> C. Rowley expense vouchers-lone at this time. <br /> Old Business <br /> Mashpee Commons and Green Parks Discussion-Mr. Kooharian and the Chair will be <br /> working to develop materials and graphics promoting the Green Parks. It was noted that Mr. Fudal <br /> would be able to have the existing tails depicted in GIS. Mr. Kooharian referenced runt articles <br /> in the New York Times which highlighted the benefits of pedestrian friendly coon lunities and the <br /> increase in property values. The presence of bike trails in a community has also increased property <br /> values and quality of life. It was suggested that the article possibly be utilized as part of the Green <br /> Parks information. Correspondence was received from Douglas Storrs regarding the Trout Pond <br /> walk and Mr. Fu"a included in members' packets information about"par-klets." Mr.Kooharian <br /> emphasized the importance of looking forward for new successful ideas_ In an effort to connect <br /> with the youth, the Chair recommended using Survey Monkey and to include a question that would <br /> address public damage to parks. There was discussion about empowering the public to develop <br /> ownership and take care of public property. It was noted that Town Meeting in October and May <br /> would be good platforms to market the survey and Gn= Parks. <br /> Planners Web Subscription Expense warrant-Mr. Fu stated that the warrant <br /> represented a FY 2013bill because the subscription would not begin until July. Ten subscriptions <br /> will be available online. <br /> 2 <br />