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x <br /> Request Modification of spechd permitto eRminate water quality monitories proms <br /> and ffiWt on lawn sire. REQUMES 4 5 VOTE AND VVRITTEN SPECIAL PERAW <br /> MODHICATION DECISION FOR FRING YfH TON"CLERK AND 20 DAY <br /> APPEAL PERIOD (Continued from June 20, of . <br /> The Chair read for the record the request.. 1&. Charles Averd, Homeowners' Ass ociation hoard <br /> member,was present to discuss Ashers Heights' request. Mr. Aveni stated he provided Mr. <br /> Fla with the easements for the- our wetts the Board requesW. Mr. Fla reviewed the <br /> Special Permit Modification#L (Attached), It was suggested tochange line 1 to a 4- vote <br /> since Mr. EWzarini was absent, A correction was made under Conditions 6. (Eliminate"except <br /> for any additional time to conform with the requirements in Condition 4,be==this has already <br /> been taken care of. Condition 4 is no longer needed since applicant already complied.. 'There <br /> was no public comment. <br /> Mr. l iullin made a motion to close the h 114r.Kooharian seconded the motion. AU <br /> voted unanimously. Mr.1 IuMn made a motion to accept the decision as presented and <br /> amended. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted an ously. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Chdfian Community Counciilupdate of hOM Joint Land Use study <br /> (JLUS) <br /> The meeting is scheduled for the end of August. <br /> SEE COMMONS <br /> David I ooh rrian and Mary way an have been disc Are this and David.rewrote a description <br /> and will email therm to the board members. David said it is a work in progress. David� <br /> pictures.and a painting he wanted included. Tom Fudala has been working on a also be <br /> included.. Flan includes proposed ems,existing trails, sidewalks,bikepaths, schools, Mashpee <br /> River,etc. "tom is trying o schedule a meeting but i having a hard time pinning dawn a date. <br /> He is looking at the third week in Member. <br /> Gorge Petersen spoke about an opportunity with some of the grants that are available by the <br /> State. He will be investigating the possibility of getting some grant money for improvements at <br /> the,rotary and/or bikepaths, Most of the grants focus on what will it brim in term of economic <br /> stimulus and improvements to the community. we might be able to come up with some design <br /> plans. He wifl be taking a further look at this. <br /> CORRESPONDENCE <br /> Mary waygan reviewed the article provided to the board i their packets, "Lively new park-in- <br /> phases creates a "front porch' for hill ." <br /> Waterways Licenses <br />