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i <br /> Applicant: Southport on Cape Cod Condomim*um Association,Inc. <br /> Location: Southport retirement condos <br /> Request: Modification of special permit site plans regarding revised entrance design <br /> and preliminary discussion of actWity center parldng lot expansion <br /> Mr. Ron Bonvie explained there was a stacking issue with the cars entering Southport. He <br /> reported the proposal was to have.two lanes. The left lane would be for the vehicles to stop at <br /> the gatehouse if they do not-have proper documentation and the right lane vehi l s with the <br /> proper documentation could pass right through the gate House. This would avoid the backing up <br /> of cars onto the main road. The gatehouse is operated 24 hours a day by an outside security firm. <br /> Mr. Bonvie stated that the landscaping will not be changed much. He will be coning back to <br /> shove the basal his plans for the landscaping. <br /> In a letter dated September 12, Charles Rowley-recommended the approval of the Southport <br /> entrance with the condition that Catherine Laurent,DPW Director, be consulted as to what she <br /> will need for information and added detains. The Board reviewed the plan and made a motion <br /> following a discussion. <br /> Notion: Mr. EN arini moved to accept the modification for the special permit site plans <br /> regarding revised entrance design with the condition that the DPW Director approves the <br /> layout within Old Barnstable Road and that the landscaping plans are approved by the <br /> Board at a later date. Mr.Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Board signed the plan- <br /> Mr. Bonvie spoke briefly on the activity center's plan for parking lot expansion. He noted this <br /> expansion would eliminate parking on the main streets and would alleviate a safety issue. Mr. <br /> Bonvie stated that there could be up to l additional spaces and has the land available. He said <br /> he was open to suggestions. They are trying to anticipate the enhancements because if they don't <br /> do anything there will be a problem. The Board reviewed the plan. It was suggested the plan be <br /> environmentally friendly. <br /> Mr. Rowley stated with the board's approval he will write up some comments and pass therm <br /> along to Mr. Bonvie. Mr. Fudala said the hearing could be tentatively scheduled for sober 17, <br /> 2012. <br /> Towle ROAD TAKINGS <br /> The Chair referred to the Town Meeting Warrant scheduled for October 15, 2012. The Board <br /> needs to review the articles proposing the acceptance of existing private ways as public ways <br /> which requires the planning Board vote and recommendation before Town Meeting. <br /> Article 1 : Shorewood Drive. Mr. Fudala presented the plans for the taping showing the layout <br /> f the easement for Shorewood Drive. The Selectmen submitted the request and they are <br /> recommending the article due to the condition of the road. The Chair read the request for the <br />