<br />JANUARY 8, 2014
<br />• Also that the street address must be permanently and clearly displayed with minimum of
<br />3" block letters with contrasting color at end of pier/piling for emergency purposes, and
<br />in addition to the owners address be permanently affixed on all floats and ramps with 3"
<br />block letters with contrasting color."
<br />The Board noted for the record this proposal is strictly an approval for a wooden walkway.
<br />The applicant will be required to reapply with the Zoning Board of Appeals to request a
<br />dock, stairs, pier, ramp and float.
<br />Mr. Blaisdell made a motion to approve Thomas F. and Bonnie A. Smith request for a
<br />Special Pen -nit under §174-25 (I) (9) of the Zoning By-laws to allow for construction of a
<br />landing, stairs, pier, ramp and float extending across a total of more than seventy feet of
<br />coastal beach, coastal bank, salt marsh, or bordering vegetated wetlands and/or coastal
<br />wetlands, freshwater wetlands, swamps or marshes on property located in an R-3 Zoning
<br />District at 266 Monomoscoy Road (Map 120 Parcel 57B), Mashpee, MA. This approval
<br />applies to a plot plan entitled; Town Map 120 Parcel 57B House No. 266 Monomoscoy
<br />Road, Rev. November 8, 2013, add distance to nearest southern dock/float-per
<br />harbormaster, Rev. November 4, 2013, Plan of Wooden Walkway Located in Mashpee,
<br />MA, prepared for Bonnie Smith, Date: September 13, 2013, File: 111 MA, Scale: 1" = 10'
<br />mono266 prepared by Cape & Island Engineering, 800. Falmouth Road, Ste. 301C,
<br />Mashpee, MA.
<br />• Mr. Furbush second, yes, Mr. Jodka, yes, Mr. Goldstein yes, and Mr. DeBarros, yes. All
<br />were in favor.
<br />Richard J. and Janet Al. Cleary: Request a Written Finding under Article V §174-17 of
<br />the Zoning By-laws and M.G.L. Chapter 40A §6 concerning continuance, extension or
<br />alteration of a pre-existing, non -conforming structure to raze and replace a dwelling on
<br />property located in an R-3 Zoning District at 16 Spoondrift Way, ( Map 111 Parcel 121
<br />Extension 0-R), Mashpee, MA. At the request of the Attorney, continued from December
<br />11, 2013 hearings (opened, but not heard) to next ZBA meeting with five -member Board
<br />sitting.
<br />Richard J. and Janet M. Cleary: Request a Written Finding under Article V §174-20 of
<br />the Zoning By-laws concerning rebuilding of destroyed or damaged non -conforming
<br />structures to raze and replace a dwelling on property located in an R-3 Zoning District at
<br />16 Spoondrift Way, ( Map 111 Parcel 121 Extension 0-R), Mashpee, MA. At the request
<br />of the Attorney, continued from December 11, 2013 hearings (opened, but not heard) to
<br />next ZBA meeting with five -member Board sitting.
<br />Mr. Kevin Kirrane representing the applicants for this raze and replace project. Mr. Kirrane
<br />stated the Board reviewed the application at the November 13, 2013 hearings and requested
<br />a continuance until a Conservation application was filed. The discussion was relative to
<br />• whether or not approval was obtained from the Board of Health and if the Conservation
<br />Commission had an opportunity to look at this project prior to the time returning to the
<br />Zoning Board of Appeals.
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