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f <br /> jo Mashpee Ci1Ils Association <br /> Mashpee, Massachusetts <br /> Site. mail <br /> August 5, 2004 <br /> Mr. John I Cahalane, Chairman ---� <br /> Mashpee Board of Selectmen CD <br /> 16 Great Deck Road Northr= <br /> Mashpee,MA 02649 . <br /> Inc: DCPC Nomination C� <br /> Dear 11r. Ohalan : <br /> llashpec is confronted with unprecedented commercial and residential development. The Mashpee <br /> Citizens Association supports the nomination of the enure town of Mashpee as a DCPC. Notwithstanding <br /> the fact, that some of the.proposed development will be exempt,there are excellent reasons for creating <br /> this district. You have heard all the-obvious ones: <br /> The obsolete,overburdened and antiquated traffic infrastructure; the lack of any semblance of public <br /> infrastructure-for sewerage and waste water-management imperiling the aquifer and enviromnental <br /> resources; the saturation of big box buildings and suburban sprawl parking.lots; and, the haphazard <br /> scattering of housing development. <br /> You have received many good suggestions as to how our conununity could use an eighteen month <br /> window. These.are some of'the suggestions-that have:.not been widely discussed: <br /> Substantively and qualitatively raising the rnitigation,requirements for developers-now before the <br /> Commission; <br /> Creating planning tools such as GIS-aerial mapping with integrated data on publicly accessible <br /> WEB sites—better than the assessor mapping-now on line in Barnstable. Mapping that would <br /> merge US Census data along with air and water quality,aquifer flows,toporapbr, traffic <br /> generation,cancer clusters and other quantifiable data; <br /> Forging compacts with our-neighboring corn unities in Barnstable,Falmouth and Sandwich; and <br /> working on plan implementation with the regional,state and federal government organizations. <br /> By working together,we believe that Mashpee can be something bigger than the newest shopping <br /> destination.For all of these reasons, we support and urge you to nominate the entire town of Mashpee as <br /> F . <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> Edward Larkin -Chairman Fredy DiMcco-Vice Chainnan <br /> Martin O'Malley-Secretary/Treasurer <br />