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05/18/2005 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
05/18/2005 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Chapter . Section 10. Warrant, issuance;.contents. <br /> Section 10. Every town meeting or town election, except as hereinafter provided, shall be called <br /> in pursuance of a warrant,under the.hands of the selectmen,notice of which shall be given at <br /> least seven days before the annual meeting or an annual or special election and at lust fourteen <br /> days before any special town meeting. The warrant shall be directed to the-constables or to some <br /> other persons, who shall forthwith give notice of such meeting in the manner the <br /> by-laws, or, if there are no by-laws, by a vote of the town, or in a manner approved by the <br /> attorney general. The warrant for all town meetings shall state the time and place.of holding the <br /> meeting and the subjects to be acted upon thereat. The town meeting may be held-in one or more <br /> planes; provided, that if it�is held.ih more thaw one place,.the places are connected by means of a <br /> public,address system and lord,speakers so that the proceedings m all such places may be heard <br /> and participated in by-all the voters present therein. whenever the moderator determines that <br /> voters are being excluded from the town meeting because there is no room for then in the places <br /> provided or that voters in attendance are being deprived of the opportunity to participate therein <br /> for any reason whatsoever, he shall either,on his own notion recess the-meeting for any period <br /> during,the day of the meeting or, after consultation with the members-of the board of selectmen <br /> then present, adjourn the.,same to another date,not later than fourteen days following the date of <br /> said meeting,when places and facilities sufficient to accommodate all voters attending and to <br /> enable them to participate, erein shall be available. The selectmen shall insert in the warrant for <br /> the annual meeting all subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of them in writing by ten <br /> or more registered voters of the town and in the warrant for every special town meeting all <br /> subjects the insertion of which shall be requested of ahem in writing by one hundred.r i to <br /> voters or by ten per cent of the total number of registered voters of the town whichever number is <br /> the lesser. The selectmen shall call a special town meeting upon request in writing, of two <br /> hundred registered voters.or of twenty per cent of the total number of registered voters of the <br /> town, whichever number is the lessen such meeting to be held not later than forty-five days aver <br /> the receipt- f such request, and shall insert in.the warrant therefor all subjects the:insertion of <br /> which shall be requested by said petition. No a tion shall be valid unless-the subject matter <br /> thereof is contained in the warrant. Two or more distinct town meetings for distinct-purposes <br /> may be called by the same warrant. <br /> .The written requests of registered voters for the insertion of subjects in town meeting wanmnts <br /> shy not be valid unless the required number of-registered voters not only sign their names but <br /> also state their residence, with strut and number, if any. The selectmen shall submit.such-written <br /> requests-to the board of registrars of voters or the board of election commissioners who shall <br /> check and,forthwith certify the number of:signatures so checked which are names of voters in the <br /> town, and only names so-checked and certified shall be counted. A greater number of names than <br /> are required in.each case need not be certified. <br /> i <br />
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