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discussion the Applicant has decided to not wait the two years due to the worsening <br /> economic situation on Joy Street. <br /> Mr. Megathlin did ask the Board to express some direction, thoughts, or concerns <br /> in their attempt to enhance plains for Joy Street. He did not have a specific plan to present <br /> to the Board for review other than the plan submitted in April. He did suggest that h <br /> orally present their ideas and plains, along with visuals prepared by their architects and <br /> engineers to illustrate some of the ideas for Joy Street. <br /> 1r. Megathlin stated he would like to-address design issues, the economic issues <br /> on Joy Street, public support for Joy Street, and homer-to move the proposed project <br /> forward. <br /> Mr. Megathlin pointed out that there was no loading area for Building B-in the <br /> original plans. There was an excessive width of -ft. for Joy Street, which is extremely <br /> wide for a pedestrian mall. The purpose of the design way to accommodate to an utlet <br /> center, which did not work for various reasons. There was also minimal parking, and at <br /> the time of approval in 2000. there was no requirement for handicap parking. However, <br /> Applicant has been working very closely with ADA in this regard. <br /> Mr. Megathlin indicated that the economic issues on Joy Street have worsened. <br /> In January and early April ofthis year the vacancy rate was approximately- %; the <br /> current vacancy rate is %, which includes the Library. There are sixteen retail tenant <br /> pay , eight of which are vacant. Ofthe eight that are occupied, four are paying regular <br /> leases and the other four are tenants at will and have reduced rents. <br /> Mr. Megathlin hopes to provide more specific detailed accounts of pedestrian <br /> counts the next time he appears before the Board. The property manager has taken <br /> pedestrian counts for the last three-weekends, Friday, Saturday,and Sunday. The <br /> average number on the pedestrian mall is sixteen 1 'People-an hour, approximately one <br /> person every four minutes, indicating the vast pedestrian space is being grossly under <br /> utilized. <br /> Pavement width.r m ains at 3 2-ft.,; there are 2-sidewalks-on either side ranging <br /> from 841. to 2 -f . on one side,and 18-fl.. to - t. on the other. A loading zone has been <br /> incorporated into the plan adjacent to Building B. Applicant is proposing that the entire <br /> pla .a remain as brie with a flush granite curb,with curb stops and cast iron bollards. <br /> There will also be some minor changes to Commercial Street at the crosswalks to Roche <br /> Bros. entrances and exits. <br /> meeting has been scheduled-with flan Review Committee in January with <br /> separate review by the Design Review Committee. ADA has unanimously approved the <br /> proposed project. The Town-Manager has suggested a meeting with FDIC. Applicant <br /> met earlier this week with several Department Heads, as well as the Town Manager. <br /> Contact has been made with the Cape Cod Commission to schedule a January. <br /> This attempt is being made to obtain the continued support of the above mentioned <br />