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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />APRIL 9, 2014 <br />MINUTES <br />• Back in 2005, in fairness to the applicant, the Board made a finding that they would treat <br />this lot having 16,118 square feet. There was a specific finding in the Board's decision <br />attached in the written comments. The lot size is 16,118 square feet which is above the <br />mean high water mark, the lot coverage after the renovation would be about 16.5% and <br />adding the 111 square feet, cantilevered deck would increase the lot area to 17.19%. The <br />current zoning by-law requires the deduction of anything that would meet the definition of <br />a wetland or wetlands protection act. The current lot coverage would be about 29.55%, and <br />with the addition 111 square foot second floor cantilevered deck, would be about 30.78% <br />left with 9,000 square feet of upland. <br />Mr. Kirrane stated there is no activity taking place on the ground, and all activity is on the <br />second floor deck. The addition of the 111 square feet of deck space is not having an <br />adverse impact on the wetland resource area, and was approved by Conservation <br />Commission. This is not creating the need for any additional parking, conforms to the <br />setbacks, and is not any closer to the side yard than what currently exists. He asked the <br />Board to vote to modify the permit that was granted back in 2005 relative to the addition <br />of this minimal cantilevered portion of the outside second floor deck. <br />Mr. Reiffarth asked what the hardship is for this request of 15 feet setback. Mr. Kirrane <br />stated that there is no need to demonstrate a hardship because it's not an application for a <br />variance. The existing setback of the building is 11.2 feet, and not getting any closer to the <br />• side yard. <br />The Board questioned if judging the lot coverage by the mean high water. The current <br />bylaw is deducting all wetlands. Kevin stated it used to be water or wetlands, now it's the <br />coastal banks which takes more land area out of the lots that are on a pond or on the shore. <br />Mr. Furbush read the Conservation Comments into the record; "Approved by Conservation <br />Commission (concom)-no issues". <br />Mr. Jodka made a motion to approve Kenneth Konikowski's request for a modification <br />under Special Permit.SP-05-49 to enclose the exiting second floor deck and to add 111+/ - <br />square feet of cantilevered deck outside the enclosed area on property located in an R-3 <br />Zoning District at 95 Whippoorwill Circle (Map 125 Parcel 152), Mashpee, MA. The <br />Board approves this request and finds the proposal is not substantially more detrimental <br />than the existing non -conforming structure, the new dwelling will be an improvement and <br />will conform to current building code requirements, is comparable in size and character to <br />other structures in the neighborhood and there is sufficient parking and setbacks as may be <br />required. Also referencing a plot plan prepared by BSS Design, Engineering & Surveying, <br />164 Katharine Lee Bates Road, Falmouth, MA, entitled; "Plot Plan — Proposed Deck at 95 <br />Whippoorwill Circle, Mashpee, MA, prepared for Kenneth Konikowski, scale 1" = 20', <br />dated January 27, 2014, drawn EJP, TJB, job number 13249, drawing number P21-128. <br />• Mr. Furbush seconded, yes, Mr. Blaisdell, yes, Mr. Reiffarth, yes, Mr. DeBarros, yes. All <br />were in favor. <br />6 <br />