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02/09/2000 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
02/09/2000 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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Town of Mashpee Planning Board <br /> Vote on Amendment to Subdivision Rules and Regulations <br /> Pursuant to the provisions of Massachusetts Generals Laws Chapter 41, Section 81Q, the <br /> Mashpee Planning Board conducted a public hearing regarding the following amendments-ito the <br /> Board's Rules and Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land on Wednesday, February 2, <br /> 2000 at 7:00 pain. in the Mashpee Town Hall. The Planning Board voted -o to approve the <br /> following amendments: <br /> Amend Section IV, Subsection. . . by adding the following alter the second sentence: <br /> "All plan submitted under this section shall also be submitted on a windows compatible . " <br /> diskettes , Zip disl ette s , or CD in DXF (drawing exchange file) format. All plans with six 6 <br /> ok more lots shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mate Plane coordinates using the North <br /> American Datum of 1- NADI and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 <br /> (NAVD88). whenever possible, plans with five or less lots shall also be "tied into" real <br /> world Mate Plane coordinates using the datum specified above. To demonstrate this tie down, all <br /> features shall be stored in the Massachusetts Mate Plane Coordinate System and the plan location <br /> and coordinate values of at least two points shall be included in-the submitted CAD file. <br /> To ensure that all plans are submitted to the Town in a consistent format, the CAD -file shall use <br /> the layering scheme listed in Section)UV." <br /> Amend Section VI, Subsection A.2. to read as follows: <br /> " . - A copy of all plans submitted under this section shall also b submitted-ors a Winds <br /> compatible . " di skettes , ZIP diskettes , or CD in DXF (drawing exchange file) format. The <br /> plans shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mate Plane coordinates using the North American <br /> Datum of 1 NAD and the Forth American Vertical Datum of 1 (NAVD88). The plan <br /> submittals shall be "tied into" real world Mate Plane coordinates using the dam specified <br /> above. To demonstrate this tie down, all features shall b stored in the.Massachusetts Mate Plane <br /> Coordinate System and the plan location.and coordinate values of at bast two points shall b <br /> included in the submitted CAD file. <br /> To enure that all plans are submitted to the Town in a consistent format, the CAD file shall use <br /> the layering scheme listed in Section ." <br /> Amend Section Vl, Subsection A.3. to read as follows: <br /> " Properly executed application Form C in triplicate." <br /> Amend Section VI, Subsection A. by adding the following after Subsection A. .: <br /> "4. Subrrn*t required fees (see fee schedule)." <br /> And by adding Section XIV to read as-follows: <br />
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