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TOWN OF MASHPEE <br />MASHPEE HIGH SCHOOL <br />500 OLD BARNSTABLE ROAD <br />MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br />ANNUAL TOWN MEETING <br />MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2021 <br />Town Meeting Opened at 6:04 PM <br />Voters Present -232 <br />Quorum 0 <br />Barnstable, ss: <br />Greetings to the Constables of the Town, <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and summon the inhabitants <br />of the Town of Mashpee who are qualified to vote in the elections to meet at the Mashpee High School on Monday, <br />the 18th day of October 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for the following purposes: <br />To act on the articles contained in the following Warrant: <br />Article 1 <br />To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to petition the General Court pursuant to Section 8 <br />of the Home Rule Amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Article 89) for an <br />amendment to the Mashpee Home Rule Charter striking out the words `Board of Selectmen" or "Selectmen" wherever <br />they appear in said Charter and inserting in place thereof the words "Select Board", and to strike out the definition of <br />Board of Selectmen set forth in Section 1-7 of the Charter and insert in place thereof. "Select Board. The words <br />"Select Board" shall mean the board of persons referred to in the General Laws of Massachusetts and heretofore in <br />this Charter as the Board of Selectmen.'; further, subject to, in furtherance of, and consistent with said Charter <br />amendment, to amend Chapter 4, Article II, §4-2 of the Mashpee General Bylaws by substituting the term "Select <br />Board" for `Board of Selectmen" and adding the following sentence: "For purposes of these bylaws, the Select Board <br />shall assume and retain the status of the formerly designated Board of Selectmen and shall assume all powers and <br />duties vested in a board of selectmen by general or special law, home rule charter, these bylaws or other applicable <br />authority."; to amend Article XVI, § 174-91 of the Zoning Bylaws by substituting the term "Select Board" for `Board <br />of Selectmen", and further, by deleting, in every other instance in which they appear in the General Bylaws, with the <br />exception of Chapter 1, Article 1, §1-1, and in the Zoning Bylaw the terms `Board of Selectmen" and "Selectmen" <br />and inserting in their place, the words "Select Board"; or take any other action relating thereto. <br />Submitted by the Board of Selectmen <br />Explanation: This article will change the name of the Board of Selectmen to Select Board. <br />The Board of Selectmen recommends approval of Article 1 by a vote of 5-0 <br />The Finance Committee makes no recommendation on Article 1 by a vote of 3-3 <br />Motion Made by Selectman Sherman: <br />I move the Town vote to approve Article 1 as printed in the warrant with the exception of the phrase, "or <br />take any other action relating thereto." <br />Motion to Amend defeated 121-49 at 6:17 PM <br />Original Motion passes at 620 PM <br />