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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> DECISION FOR A MINOR MODIFICATION <br /> SPECIAL PERMIT (SP-86-04-024) <br /> Mashpee Commons LP <br /> 38 Than Ellis Highway(Map 74 Parcel 20)Building 3 <br /> Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> SP-2014-42 <br /> A letter was sent to the Board from Deputy Jack Phelan who stated the following <br /> and was read into the record; "Concerns: Secondary means of egress to the Exit discharge <br /> from outdoor courtyard not shown. Currently the proposed courtyard is the secondary exit <br /> discharge for the restaurant. Current outdoor area on North St narrows pedestrian traffic <br /> from ]Oft. to 4°om the barrier to the existing light post and handicapped parldng sign. <br /> (See diagram). If a vehicle is parked in the adjacent space, there is very little room to get <br /> by barrier." <br /> Public Hearings were held on September 10, 2014 public hearings, at Mashpee <br /> Town Hall at which time the following Board Members were present and acting <br /> throughout; Vice Chairman, William A. Blaisdell, Board Member Richard Jodka, <br /> Associate Members Domingo K.DeBarros and Scott Goldstein.Also present was Building <br /> Commissioner, Michael Mendoza. Mr. Bonvie abstained from this petition. <br /> Mr. Blaisdell stated that with Mr. Bonvie abstaining will leave only four board <br /> members sitting on the hearing. All applicants are entitled to have a five member board <br /> with a five member board four positive votes and one negative vote the petition would pass. <br /> With only four members, sitting on the board it would take a unanimous vote for the <br /> petition to pass, or will grant a continuance. <br /> Mr. Feronti acknowledged this and accepted to continue his hearing. <br /> A letter was sent to the Board from Fire Inspector, Joel Clifford and was read into <br /> the record; "The issues that the Fire Department identified have been discussed with Tom <br /> Feronti (Mashpee Commons representative) and Bill Gallagher (Yankee Sprinkler <br /> Company). The resolution is to install a new fire hydrant and a new post-indicator valve <br /> for 3 Greene Street in the island directly across from 3 Greene Street. The Fire Department <br /> Connection will be located on the building as discussed with a door to access the FDC in <br /> the perimeter fencing. As for the sprinkler protection on the outside of the building, that is <br /> under review with Bill and Yankees sprinkler Company's Fire Protection Engineer. " <br /> Mr. Feronti confirmed that he met with Fire Inspector, Joel Clifford to discuss the <br /> sprinkler systein, and decided to install a post indicator valve on the island located in the <br /> parking lot, so the fire department can control the sprinkler system from outside the <br /> building.Also,he will explore putting a hydrant at this location as well.The closest hydrant <br /> is located in front of Panera. <br /> 2 <br />