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MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br />AUGUST 27, 2014 <br />• MINUTES <br />The property is in an R-3 Zoning District which requires a minimum of 40,000 square feet <br />and 150 feet of frontage. The setback criteria requires a minimum of 15 feet on the sides <br />and rear, 40 feet on the front, and 50 feet from the wetland resource areas. The proposed <br />addition will be situated 16.1 feet from the southerly property line which is conforming. <br />The addition will become non -conforming at 32.7 feet from Popponesset Island Road, and <br />the minimum is 40 feet. <br />There is also an application for variance relief due to the proximity of the dwelling to the <br />street. There is a slight increase over the 20% lot coverage requirement. The interpretation <br />has always been that increasing anything on a non -conforming structure would require <br />applying for finding, but questions arise whether to include variance relief to fixture <br />applications if creating a new non -conformity. <br />Mr. Forbush asked about the garage addition. Mr. Kirrane stated there will be additional <br />living space, and requesting a 528 square feet addition on the other side of the building. <br />Jonathan asked about the two proposed egress stairs, one in front close to street and the <br />proposed egress stairs. Michael Moskowitz, the homeowner, approached the Board and <br />explained the proposed egress stairs will be off the deck, and the new egress stairs in the <br />front are for the first floor addition. <br />Jonathan read the Board of Health letter into the record, dated August 26, 2014, addressed <br />• to Thomas Bunker, BSS Design. "On August 7, 2014, the Mashpee Board of Health <br />approved the variance relief with the condition; a septic inspection shall be performed and <br />submitted to the Board of Health prior to issuance of the Building Permit." <br />Jonathan read the Building Commissioner's comments into the record; "146 Popponesset <br />Island Rd- Requesting a Variance. Proposed bulk head is short 3 feet of the required 15 <br />foot side setback from the south property line". <br />Jonathan read Stephen Mone, Harbormaster comments into the record; "The Harbormaster <br />requires that the dock/floats including 10A floats must be updated to black hard plastic <br />encapsulated block flotation and all the foam/Styrofoam be removed and disposed of <br />properly. This will help eliminate the issue of storm bourn debris on our bays, lakes and <br />rivers. Also that the street address must be permanently and clearly displayed with <br />minimum of 3" block letters with contrasting color at end of pier/piling for emergency <br />purposes, and in addition to the owners address be permanently affixed on all floats and <br />ramps with 3" block letters with contrasting color. Otherwise, The Harbormaster has no <br />issue with this plan." <br />Bill Blaisdell read Conservation Comments into the record, dated August 7, 2014 from <br />Andrew McManus; "No application submitted to Conservation Dept. Any increase in <br />living space may require modifications to existing septic system. Construction impacts of <br />addition may also trigger a permit requirement. (Please note: This application was <br />• approved on August 14, 2014, per Andrew McManus). <br />2 <br />