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3 <br />WP <br />.R <br />MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD <br />OCTOBER, 2000 44416- <br />MINUTES <br />Members ers Present: Matt l'Illalone, Chairman; tennis Bal arini, Clerk; Beverly Kane; <br />Steve Dolan <br />Also Present: Torn Fudala, Town Planner; Charles Rowley, Consulting Engineer; fella <br />Stevens, Board Secretary <br />chairman called mee ing to order at :1 o p.rn. <br />Release a Covenant: conaumet Highlands: 22 Silver Leaf Lane <br />Letter from Charles Rowley was read and reviewed by Board. Charlie commented <br />further on his recommendations and cost estimates. He mentioned a portion of F Hill <br />Road that was secured but not completed. Mike Ciampi stated that the Mashpee hater <br />District is involved in that area which is why the lot is not completed.. Dennis introduced <br />the idea of setting a time limit on job completion. Torn Fu'dala mentioned that with Fern <br />Gully,they needed to give a time limit. There was consensus among the Board that, <br />setting a time limit is a good idea. <br />Charlie brought up the question of whether $21,810 will' be enoug o cover -the costs of <br />pro <br />ject completion. There was mention of the two solid and one in pit that needs <br />� <br />to be constructed and hover this �rould affect the total cost to corn to the project. 11r. <br />Ciampi said he thought about getting a -bond from his insurance company to cover <br />additional costs. Torn Fwd ale _ .aid.that there,can he no release f covenant at this tir-r��e <br />a <br />nd_that the letters of recommendation should be released to Mr. Ciampi's insurance <br />company. He also sug steel that cAie <br />h ckl* t ith lari ions sh 1d ra up first. <br />Motion was made by Dennis for Torn Fudala and Charlie Rowley to get together with <br />Mr. Ciampi to redo his cost estimate. Seconded by Beverly and carried unanimously. <br />PrelirninaPlan- BLF Nominee Trust <br />Kevin Kirraine, representing BLF Nominee Trust provided special permit plans for Board <br />review. He also brought a topographical surrey. A letter from charli Rowley rley was read. <br />Torn Fudala stated that, legally, we would need comments from the Board of Health. <br />before we could approve this. Chairman said we will put this item on the agenda for the <br />net meeting. Mr. Kirraine said he will contact the Board of Health and ensure that there <br />are comments for the next meeting. <br />