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R ; <br /> i <br /> Mashpee Planning Board <br /> October 18, 2000 <br /> Minutes <br /> Members Present: Matt Malone, chairman; Beverly Kane, Steve Dolan, Jim Dorgan, <br /> Others Present: Charles Rowley, Consufting Engineer* Torn Fudala: Town Planner, <br /> fella Stevens, Board Secretary <br /> Chairman called meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. <br /> sIRecial.Permit Southport Retirement e m ur�it�r <br /> Ron Bonvie addressed the fence issue. He said that the location and design of the <br /> fence was changed, per the ZBA. He wanted the Board to be aware that although they <br /> have put up the fence, vandalism occurs and sometimes the fence is down. He also <br /> wanted the Board to be aware that people make paths which affect the revegetation that <br /> he has done. He requested a contingency approval of Phase III. Charlie Rowley <br /> concurred that neighborhood children have, in fact, built paths and tree forts and <br /> acknowledged that Ron did, in fact, do his part in what-the plan called for. <br /> Torn Fbdalar inquired as to whether anyone had looked at the plans within the past ten <br /> years and expressed concerns that the plans may be outdated. There was some <br /> discussion about this. <br /> Motion is made by Jim to release contingency on Phase If. Seconded by Beverly and <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> ,Vote: Updated plans for Phase 11 will be provided to the Board. <br /> Release of Covenant; Conaumet Highlands <br /> Michael Ciampi brought a bond in the amount of$21,800 that he acquired from an out <br /> of state insurance company. Torn asked if the bond specifically states ghat the amount <br /> will cover. Chairman reed from the bond and noted that nothing was said about loam <br /> and seeding. Chairman said that the covenant could be released, but that Mr. Ciampi <br /> must bring back a revision in the bond with specific wording about coverage for loam <br /> and seeding. <br /> Torn asked if a time limit had been decided upon. There didn't seem to have been any <br /> specific time limit imposed. Tom thorn reviewed to see hover it could be cashed <br /> in by the Planning Board, if necessary. He didn't see that the wording of the bond was <br /> appropriate for the Board's needs. After Board review of the bond, there was consensus <br /> that the wording was not detailed enough. A few problems with the bond were noted, <br /> including the fact than only one catch basin was mentioned, and again, no stipulation for <br /> loam and seeding. <br />