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08/05/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
08/05/2015 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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possible since l vs came in a variety of sizes. Mr. Fudala stated that the spaces shown were 30 feet <br /> long. <br /> There was reference to the minutes of the Plan Design review meeting and Mr. Cummings reported. <br /> that the Fire Department had the following issues: handicap.parking blocks the fire warm panel room <br /> which rewires a 20 foot access, outside building parking requires lining and distance marked. Mr. <br /> Cummi_ngs understood that the new building was to be constructed soon. It was noted that parking <br /> spots had been removed from the prior approved plan. Mr. Bornstein would be providing the Fire <br /> Department with a final plan before he started construction on the new building. Mr. Cummings <br /> shared the conditions requested by Plan/Design Review to include. no blockage of fire connectors, no <br /> blockage of fire alarm panel or doors, provide a 24 foot Fire Department access for tower truck, line <br /> parallel to building to mark limit of parking, measurement of line width building 2, confirmation ftorn <br /> Cape Cod Commission regarding permission to allow outdoor storage, parking provision for new <br /> building, new elevations for Flanging Board for Building 2. III_ Cummings pointed out that the PB <br /> had provided a permit to sell cars. fir. Bornstein responded that once he resolved the outdoor storage, <br /> he would return to the Board of Selectmen to pursue his license to sell cars. fir. Bornstein emphasized <br /> that it would be Internet sales which would not be advertised and would only be offered as a courtesy <br /> to existing customers_ <br /> Mr. FudaJa pointed out-that the original permit provided that the building was intended for contractor <br /> storage, self-storage and.incubator office space, which was what the parking spaces were based on. <br /> Mr. Fudala.pointed out that the new building will require a new parking calculation. <br /> Mr. Kooharin referenced th6 existing spaces and inquired whether there was a regulation prohibiting <br /> Mr. Bornstein from utilizing the excess parking spaces for storage. Mr. Fudala responded that the <br /> Planing Board was responsible for the control, adding that the original special permit issued allowed <br /> only for two vehicles to be stored outside. The Chair stated that outdoor storage was not allowed by <br /> right, adding that the previous Planning Board added it as a condition for a reason. The Chair was not <br /> supportive of the request as the project was incomplete, there was unresolved action from Fl W esi n <br /> and plans,were not available to move forward. The Chair added that people are concerned about the <br /> appearance of the area if used for exterior storage. The Chair stated she would not support storage that <br /> could be seen from the road and requested engineered plans. Mr. Bornstein stated that he would <br /> provide engineered plans if needed. The Chair recommended thatPlan/Design issues be resolved for <br /> the Planning Board to consider the request. I ir. Bornstein requested a continuance to September 2. <br /> Mr. Rowley reported that he did not have enough information to offer an opinion without the building <br /> plans for the#2 building. Ir. Rowley expressed concern about doors being blocked by the RVs. 1r. <br /> Rowley recommended combining-the hearings for greater clarity of the project. Mr. Rowley will <br /> provide a short list of what needed to be addressed. There was further discussion regarding blocked <br /> doors and Mr. Bornstein reported that certain doors would have EMT signs and would never be <br /> blocked. Mr. Fudala suggested placing RV parking in the middle of the two buildings and the Chair <br /> concurred. Mir. Bornstein indicated that he would consult with his engineer, which would then be <br /> forwarded to 11r. Rowley for his feedback. <br /> MOTION: Mr. B rini made-a motion to continue the public hearing to September 2 at 7:1 <br /> p.m. Nor. Koob Tian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> : o Applicant: SGFS Realty Trust John Slavinsky eL al. Truster <br /> L cation: 424 whitings Road (845 Falmouth Road),Assessors' Map 87, Bloch 7 <br /> 2 <br />
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