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configuration and relocation of two sets of stairs to the exterior. Mr. Fudala pointed out that the <br /> incubator space was being.-removed from Building 2. 'There were no comments from the Board. <br /> Ir. Rowley inquired about steel framework and 11r. Bornstein confirmed that framework would <br /> be steel and the sane as the previous building. Mr. Rowley expressed concern about the <br /> columns lining up appropriately. Mr. Fudla suggested that marked aisles be added for access, <br /> and egress as was completed in Building 1. Mr. Fudala requested that it be added in a scaled <br /> floor plan to be considered at the next meeting. Mr. Bornstein agreed to provide a plan. The <br /> Chair requested that Building l be added to the agenda for the-next meeting. <br /> MOTION.* Mr. Bl arini made a motion that there was no need for a public hearing for <br /> the floor plan change on Building 1. Mr. Kooharian seconded the notion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> Mr. Hansen was designated to sit on the Special Permit Modification for the floor plans for <br /> Building I and Building 2. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 7:10 Applicant: Cape Cod Custom Car Storage <br /> Location: 104 Falmouth bond,Assessors' Map 54, Bloch <br /> Request: Special Permit Modification to allow outdoor storage of Boats and RVs <br /> (continued from8-5-15) <br /> The appointed time having arrived, the Chair opened the public hearing and read for the record <br /> the public.hearing notice. The applicant, Stu Bornstein, was present along with his land <br /> surveyor, Ilan ojal . Mr. Bornstein reported that the requested Changes had been made to the <br /> plan and the.plans were distributed to Board embers-for review. Mr. 0jala stated that modest <br /> changes had been made to the plan to include building 2 converted to-self-storage only and . <br /> featuring 269 parking spaces. Mr. 0ja1a noted-that the plan had been previously approved by the <br /> Cape Cod Commission. An adequate turning radius was provided.for the Fire Department. Mr. <br /> ojala referenced the plan showing RV parking, adding that a cypress screen would be installed. <br /> Mr. B 1. arini inquired about the stairwell to which Mr. ojala responded that Building 2 would <br /> have an open exterior stairwell with a canopy. Mr. Cummings noted that emergency lighting <br /> was needed for the stairs and Mr. Bornstein responded that it would be shown on the building <br /> plan. W. Fudala confirmed that it would appear as a condition on the Special Permit. Mr. <br /> Bal arini inquired about the number of stairwells and it was confirmed that there would also be <br /> n interior set of stags. <br /> The Chair invited Mr. Cummings to share his comments regarding the Planning esign Review <br /> 4 <br /> meeting. Mr. Cummings confirmed that the Fire Department required shover the 2 <br /> foot boundary. Mr. 0ja1a confirmed that there would be a dashed line dernarking the 24 foot <br /> zone as well-as the loading zone. Mr. Cumniings referenced Building x and the plan to eliminate <br /> incubator space to become storage space and Mr. Fudala confirmed that Plan/Design Review <br /> merged the two issues together. Mr. Fudala. further noted than Plan/Design required that n <br /> vehicle washing or auto repairs occur at the site, ernergency lighting be placed on the outside <br /> stairs, 4 additional spaces-to be added for customer parking, limit RV and boat storage to no <br /> 2 <br />