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r <br /> specifics of the paths. fir. l?.arirri inquired whether there was a loop and Mr. Fudala responded that <br /> the path traveled to the high school and would connect to other trails and was based on the directive <br /> from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. F'udala noted that the river crossing could provide a loop. The dram <br /> agreement, which would allow the Town to maintain the trail, was now being reviewed by the <br /> Mashpee Commons attorney and insurance agent. <br /> It was suggested that the tram would likely be approximately 6 feet wide, cut by brush cutter, and <br /> would have no surface other than mulch. Arnericorps volunteer.s may assist with the clearing and <br /> bridge would be needed to cross the river, possibly requiring CPA funds. Board members were <br /> supportive of the concept. The Chair noted that spring CPA applications would be due November I, <br /> referencing permitting and plan design. Mr_ Fudala noted that planning should be in consultation with <br /> Conservation Agent McManus regarding a wetlands permit. Mr. Rowley added that wetlands and river <br /> front regulations would need to be considered for planning purposes at both the Town and State level, <br /> but by gray of the Conservation Commission. It was further noted that the request would also need to <br /> be filed with Natural Heritage. Mr. Fudala inquired whether a survey plan,was needed but Mr. <br /> F'erronti cautioned that the pathways-would be temporary, and a survey plan would rune it difficult to <br /> shift paths for-future permanent sidewalks. Mr. Balzafini suggested it may be necessary due to the <br /> need for insurance. llrir. Rowley suggested including concrete points or monuments to establish GPS <br /> points for safety reasons. There was discussion about the addition of language to the agreement that <br /> would reference the eventual relocation of paths. fir. Ferronti was unsure of when construction would <br /> begin, emphasizing that it would be based on the market. <br /> The Chair agreed to draft an application for CPA funds and requested that Mashpee Commons draft a <br /> letter of recommendation to support the request for funding. Mr. Batzarini inquired whether the path <br /> would need to be accessible and I1rIr. F'udala responded that none of the trails were accessible and was <br /> allowable as long as other locations in Town were accessible. Mr.. Koohafian felt that the path should <br /> be somewhat accessible. Mr. F'udala emphasized that the trail not become so accessible that it would <br /> e used by ATVs. Mr_ Mann noted that bridges being replaced were available.for purchase. In <br /> reference to the bridge,.Mr. Rowley suggested wing it wide enough to allow emergency <br /> transportation by installing removable posts. Other options, such as boulders, were mentioned with the <br /> intent to allow accessibility but to deter destructive motorized transportation. <br /> Mr. Kooharian inquired about the green space located across from the library. Mr. Ferronti responded <br /> that Mashpee Commons has focused on the first piece,.adding that their village common at that <br /> location was already-utilized for Town events. Mr..Kooharian stated that they would be interested in <br /> doing-more with the location as a nu ed use space, particularly with its location near the library. Mr. <br /> F'erronti stated that"their wish was to ensure that it continue with multiple uses, not exclusive. The <br /> Chair stated that a ley goal of Cape Cod towns was to keep families on Cape Cod, with playgrounds, <br /> affordable housing and good paging jobs. Mr. Kooharian emphasized that the green was occasionally <br /> used but joint uses could be developed that would not interfere with events, creating a park that <br /> becomes a destination. fir. Ferronti stated that once r sidential units were built in the area, the green <br /> would become more active. The Chair stated that additions to the green, such as a trail or benches <br /> would encourage people to stag in the area and travel down to the Commons and other commercial <br /> venues. Mr. Kooharian suggested an ice fink in the winter tune_ The Chair suggested that the Fire <br /> Department may be willing to partner on an ice rink. <br /> ,SPECIAL PERMIT <br /> Applicant: G1 RS-MA LLC /Mashpee Commons L <br /> Location: Great Neck load South, "Northbridge" Assisted Living site <br /> 2 <br />