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Mr. Fudala reported that a covenant was in place for Phase II and Cap Security for Phase I_ Mr. <br /> Rowley submitted letters describing work completed on Phase'I and security for Phase H. fir. Rowley <br /> has recommended that 0%be retained for Phase f completion totaling $29,250. John-Falacci was <br /> present to represent New Seabury and was in receipt of Mr. Rowley's letters. Nor, Falacci stated their <br /> intent to use the funds being released from Phase I toward the security for Phase II. Mr. Rowley <br /> referenced his letter noting-that work to be completed was listed under items 1, 5 and 7. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made a notion to reduce the Security to$29,250 for the remaining <br /> Items I, 5 and 7. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted mousl . <br /> Planning Board members signed the Security Reduction. <br /> Regarding the Release of Road Covenants-for Phase II, Mr. Falacci referenced Mr. Rowley's 1 l 1 1 <br /> letter highlighting c nstru :ti n costs and the cost multiplier of 1.5. Mr- Falacci confirmed that <br /> substantial amount of work had been completed so that the Security was-reduced to 1 , 9 . o. <br /> • <br /> MOTION: Mr. Bal arini made a ,motion to release the Road Covenant in exchange for a <br /> Performance Guarantee of 1. , . 0. 11r.Kooh .r'in seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously. <br /> Planning Board members signed the Release of Covenant document. <br /> W. Falacci also referenced a Bond Reduction request,for Oceanfront for which the Board required an <br /> as-built plan. fir. Rowley noted that he had received a letter and plan today from BSS Design, but no <br /> request for a reduction. The Chair suggested that the item be added to the December 2 agenda_ <br /> i <br /> SPECIAL PERARTS <br /> Applicant: The Northbridge Companies TRS- A IB C <br /> Location: Great Neck Road South,Assessors' Map 7 ,Blocks 17 and 27 & Map 7 , Block <br /> 10 <br /> Request: Special Permit.application for 70 unit Assisted Livia -Facility <br /> ` <br /> R QUIRES A VOTE FOR MANDATORY ATOR REFERRAL to the Cape Cod Commission as <br /> a IRI <br /> The Chair read the request for the record. Mr. Fudala stated that the Special Permit was filed on <br /> l nda r with Town Clerk. 1 1r.'Rowle r had been in receipt of the plans, stormwater report and <br /> application. There was agreement that the held by Mr. Fudala until the applicant returns <br /> from the Cape Cod Commission. The Chair requested that plans be forwarded electronically to review <br /> in advance. Mr. Fudala stated that the plans had been submitted to the Cape Cod Commission which <br /> required referral due to the size of the project. Mr. Rowley provided comments about the project and <br /> revised plans have been submitted. The applicant will also be reviewed by Plan/Design Review with <br /> their comments to also be forwarded to the Commission. A representative from BSC Croup was <br /> present at the meeting. Mr. Rowley clarified that he had.been in receipt of the.revised plans today but <br /> was unsure as to what plans had been forwarded to the Commission_ <br /> MOTI N: Mr. Bafzarini made a motion to refer the applicant to the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> Mr. I ooharlan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair signed the referral. <br /> 2 <br />