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1 lashpee Planning Board _ <br /> February 6, 2002 <br /> Minutes <br /> Members Present: Martine Meijedng; Chair, Dennis Bal arini, Beverly Kane, Dick <br /> Terry, Steve Dolan, Don Myers; Associate Member <br /> Also Present: Tom Fudala; Torn Planner, Charles Rowley; Consulting Engineer, <br /> Vella Stevens; Board Secretary <br /> Applicant: Willowbend Development Corp. <br /> Location: Between Quinaquisset Ave. and Shoestring Bay, and southwest of the <br /> intersection of Sampson Sampsons Mill Ted. and Simons Road. <br /> Request: Approval of modification of Special Permit; Filed May 2, 2001 <br /> Jack McElhinney, counsel for Willowbend reported that they had received approval <br /> from subcomrnittee of the Cape Cod Commission and that the final decision had been <br /> drafted. He had new information to ubmit to the Planning Board. He introduced Bruce <br /> Besse, project architect. Bruce presented plans and pointed out lots for potential 67 <br /> homes. He said that Willowbend would provide sewerage to Cotuit Bay Condominiums. <br /> He tallied about other environmental enhancements including a 20 acre donation of <br /> open space. He distributed copies of-draft from cape Cod Commission. <br /> Scott Hoarsely, Environmental Engineer tallied about ulster quality report. He pointed <br /> out mitigation wetland areas on map and said they were conservation ion restriction areas. <br /> He talked about shoreline protection-and made note of the 100 ft. buffer. He claims that <br /> the proposed plan gives more protection than the old plan. He made note of gable 2 on <br /> the water quality report and explained plans for reducing nitrogen loading. He said they <br /> were going to add a series of irrigation ponds and explained the process of grater <br /> banking. Dennis had a question about how they will replenish the water in the ponds. <br /> .Scott explained this,, in detail. He pointed out on the map where therexisting wells are <br /> and where proposed wells will be built. He said all-wells have been sampled with results <br /> to follow shortly. Dennis had a question about the plume. Jack said there are two <br /> groundwater treatment systems to intercept the plume and treat the pollutants. <br /> Torn Fudala noted that the water quality report doesn't address the questions of by-lavers <br /> including the calculations for nitrogen impact. He-said the report, doesn't follow the <br /> proper format. <br /> Martine introduced a motion to continue,this public hearing until later in the meeting, <br /> due to time scheduling. <br /> Motion by Dennis to continue until 8 p.m.; seconded by Steve; unanimous. <br />