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Mashpee.Plannina Board <br /> Minutes <br /> March 21, 2001 <br /> Members Present: Matt Malone, Beverly Kane, Steve Dolan, Martine Meijering, <br /> Dennis Bal arini <br /> Also Present: Torn Fudala# Town Planner; Charles Rowley, Consulting <br /> Engineer; llella Stevens, Board secretary <br /> csc Group Nominee Trust* Lovell Road <br /> Attorney Peter Dagle introduced definitive plan. He explained that the plan was <br /> stilt mis ing the configuration of Lowell Road and also the water quality report. <br /> Chris Costa presented the plans. He said he worked on modifying Lowell Road <br /> configuration and that they are continuing to finish the realignment. He pointed <br /> this out on the map. <br /> Torte Fudala said that the design of the drainage system would be of special <br /> concern to the Planning Board. He suggested the use of open sales to reduce <br /> hydrocarbons and mentioned that in addition to conventional drainage they could <br /> also use loft seed in the mix for planting. <br /> Torn then handed out feces of Charlie's recommendation letter that had just been <br /> received. Matt suggested that copies of-the letter be handed out to the applicant <br /> and the meeting should be continued until they get a chance to review Charlie's <br /> comments. There was general consensus among the Board that improvement to <br /> road plans have been made. Tom then explained in depth what the problems <br /> were with the road, what's been modified* and what still would need to be done. <br /> He mentioned access to Asher's Path and one driveway, in particular that did not <br /> seem to have adequate access. <br /> Motf n by Beverly to send a letter of support to the ZBA requesting CSC Group <br /> be able to build units rather than phasing construction out over five.years. <br /> Seconded by Dennis, carried unanimously. <br /> Matt said he granted to see final road configuration, the water quality rport, and <br /> he granted to see something regarding access for the driveway. <br /> Motion by Beverly to continue hearing until next.meeting, April 'h, at 7 p.m. <br /> Seconded by Dennis, carried unanimously. <br /> Resident Shelly Peters expressed concern about the development being rushed. <br />