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lahpee Planning Board <br /> Minutes <br /> July 18, 2001 <br /> Members Present - Martine Meij ring, Vice-Chairman, Beverly Kane, Dick Terry, Dennis <br /> Balzarini <br /> Also Present— Tom Fudala, Town Plan-ner; Della Stevens; Board Secretary <br /> Park Avenue F eal Trustfflarl or Homes <br /> Public Hearing opened by Martine. Torn Fudala said that he had expected to see the water <br /> quality report from Mark_ It was decided that since Mark was not present and the water quality <br /> report was still outstanding, this item would be tabled until he was present <br /> Kenneth Anderson/Ferreira Associates; Request: Signature of Definitive plan <br /> Torn Fudala said that Richard Ferreira forgot to put the block for the Town Clerk's signature <br /> and that the appeal time had passed without any appeals. He said that the lettering was now <br /> n the plans, and asked if the Board would be willing to sign it. Board agreed and signatures <br /> were provided on original and three copies. <br /> Park Avenue Re;kltyjrustfflarbor Homes <br /> Kevin F irrane expressed a difference of-opinion concerning the adequacy of the water quality <br /> report between his engineer and the Planning Board. Torn didn't believe it conformed to the i <br /> by-law, but Dick Lanney was present to explain how the water quality report does conform to <br /> by-laws. <br /> Mr. Lanney' a cpla'nation included a description of the direction that groundwater-was flowing, <br /> nitrate impact study and groundwater innpa. t to water supply. lick Term inquired about the <br /> specific studies that were done. Torn Fudala stated that he still feels the whole issue of surface <br /> water quality was not addressed. However, he does not feel that-this will have a significant <br /> impact_ Kevin Kirrane reiterated Mr. Lanney's points and asked the Board to consider <br /> accepting. Torn said that this was a complicated issue and that the Board be aware <br /> that the zoning by-laws have not been ,net fully in this instance. He was concerned about <br /> setting a precedent. Sevin Kirrane said he was prepared to rn.aka it a condition of approval to <br /> install a de-nitrification system. He then provided revised engineering plans for Board review. <br /> There was some discussion about Charlie's recommendations. According to Charlie, the <br /> definitive plan is OK, but that there are still some concerns in regards to de-nitrification. <br /> Y <br />