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Mash pee Planning Board <br /> August 4, 2001 <br /> Minutes <br /> Members Present: Dick Terry, Beverly Kane, Steve Dolan, Dennis Bal arini <br /> Also Present: Torn-Fudala; Town Planner, Cella Stevens; Board secretary <br /> Dennis Bal arini, acting Chairman, opened the meeting. <br /> Phyllis Thompson/Jon Fitch- cove Road Release of covenant <br /> Torn Fudala opened discussion by noting than ,Jon Fitch was not present. He mentioned <br /> the covenant release amount of $11,700. He talked about some of Charlie's concerns; <br /> catch basins that need to be cleaned with some needing gas oil traps, paved apron for <br /> driveway access Old Cove Road has not been done yet. covenant cannot be released <br /> due to these issues. Tabled until net meeting. <br /> Endorsement of ANR Plan East side of Mashpee Pond <br /> .John Ellis presented ANR Plan for Board review. He explained how they are seeking to <br /> take a small buildable lot and divide it in half. There will eventually be a conservation <br /> filing. He asked if the Board had any questions. Torn said he had letters from each of <br /> the abutters. Board signed documents. Torn mentioned that the plans were the wrong <br /> size and that the correct size needed to be provided. Mr. Ellis agreed to provide. <br /> Motion by Beverly to sign plan of land. Seconded by Dick; unanimous. <br /> Miscellaneous-items as twesented by Torn Fudala <br /> Tory mentioned that last year he was the representative of the Natural Resources <br /> Management Committee and that Martine was the alternate. Discussion would be <br /> tabled until Martine is present. <br /> He provided copies of his comments on Rte. 28 for Board review. <br /> Assistant Town Planner wants higher salary. Torn said that the Selectman would take <br /> up that issue. <br /> He provided a brochure for an online course from Lincoln Institute on Ba-sic Planning. <br /> Last fiscal year budget was mentioned. There was a balance of$2,000 but he acted <br /> that it was too late to spend it. <br /> Assorted brochures, journals were presented for Board review. <br /> Motion to adjourn. <br />