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510 <br /> Mashpee Planning Board <br /> November ber , 2001 <br /> Minutes <br /> Members Present: Martine Meijering; Chair, Steve Dolan, Beverly Kane, Dick Terry, Dennis <br /> Ba la ri n i <br /> Also Present: Torn Fudala; Torn Planner, Nella Stevens; Board Secretary ' <br /> Special Permit Application; Steve Glarus <br /> Motion by Dennis to schedule public hearing for Special Permit Application for December <br /> at 7 pm; seconded by Beverly; unanimous. <br /> Public Hearing; Wind chime; -Modification of'S a ial Permit <br /> Torte Guinn opened discussion with the issue of whether or not garages are part of the square <br /> footage calculations. Dennis reminded that garages are not a problem, but that porches need <br /> to be deducted. Torn Quinn said that he would be happy to down i e garages and eliminate <br /> some porches to keep within the squaws footage. Torn Fudala insisted that figures of phase 1I! <br /> be provided to the Board. Torn Guinn said that he could provide this for the next meeting s <br /> the engineer was not present. He did say that the proposed figure of 78,000 sq. feet includes <br /> Erhart they've built so far. ` <br /> Beverly said that she feels it is difficult to keep up with all the figures. Torn Fudala ,expresses <br /> confusion over the impervious surface as It relates to current language. There was some <br /> discussion about this. Dick-Terry requested that Torn Quinn provide exact plans. Torn Quinn <br /> described his plans to break up the units into smaller pieces instead of building long row <br /> houses. Dick Ferry asked to see hover this proposal is different than ghat was s requested in <br /> 1987. Torn Fudala said that he will draft modifications. Dennis asked for a report on open <br /> space and said that fee for special permit has not been paid. Torn Quinn said he will bring <br /> this in for the next meeting. <br /> Trustee asked for a summary Of discussion. Toni Fudala summarized as such: 1 That the <br /> process for modifying the plan includes Windchime coming before the Board who will decide <br /> . whether the change merits a process; 2 That Windchime proposed 78,000 total sq. f . and <br /> hove the Board doesn't agree to exclude sundecks and patios} - That there is a restriction on <br /> additional garages and hoer there must be Planning Board approval; That there is a <br /> conservation restriction involved and that there must be a deed of conservation land to .to n. <br /> Torn Guinn places ar request on the table for a tiro-car garage in bldg. 11 for a disabled <br /> resident. He said there is a modification to Unit 35 site plan and must adjust other <br /> calculations. <br /> Motion by Dennis to approve 2-car g wrage for Bldg. 11, Unit 35 in Phase 11. Dick Terry <br /> abstained; passed -1. <br />