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/ <br />Town of Mashpee <br />Planning Board <br />Minutes of Meeting <br />October 1, 1997 <br />The Town of Mashpee Planning Board Meeting was called to <br />order in Conference Room #1, Mashpee Town Hall, 16 Great Neck <br />Road North, Mashpee, Massachusetts at 6:35 p.m. on Wednesday, <br />October 1, 1997. The Chairman, Patrick Coffey, presided. <br />Planning Board Members present: Patrick Coffey, Chairman; <br />Dennis Balzarini, vice President; and John Kuchinski, Clerk. <br />1bk <br />NOTE: Newly appointed Associate Member, Chance Reikle, was <br />in attendance, but had not been duly sworn in for the position by��� <br />Town Clerk. Therefore, he did not participate in the Discussion. <br />.d 6 <br />Also present: Thomas Fudala, Town Planner. <br />Board Items ro <br />Rib, <br />The Town Planner provided an update regarding the status of <br />two (2) vacant Board positions. <br />0 bw, <br />Public Hearing <br />Reschedule -Name Change -A Street to Lisa Lane <br />The Town, Planner explained this matter has been rescheduled <br />and advertised for 6 : 45 p.m., October 151 1997. <br />The Chairman entertained a motion to reschedule this matter. <br />MOTION: Dennis Balzarini made a Motion to reschedule the <br />matter of Name Change -A Street to Lisa Lane, for 6:45 p.m., <br />October 15, 1997, as advertised; which Motion was seconded by <br />John Kuchinski and so voted unanimously. <br />Approval Not Required <br />Prime Properties L.P. - James Carroll <br />The Chairman recognized Kenneth Marsters, who stated his ej: <br />request to move a lot line. Making reference to a plan entitled, Aisle <br />Plan of Land, Located in Mashpee, MA., ANR, Prepared for James E . <br />Carroll, Mr. Marsters explained the property has recently been r <br />sold to Mr. Carroll. Mr. Carroll installed a fence which <br />encroaches the abutter's property. Mr. Carroll, who is an <br />attorney, refuses to remove the f ence and has threatened to delay lip, <br />the closing. The abutter suggested changing the lot line, <br />allowing Mr. Carroll to maintain the fence. � <br />Mr. Marsters further explained the property is under a <br />Purchase and Sale Agreement. If the proposed change is approved, <br />Mr. Carroll has said he will withdraw his case. The abutter's <br />N <br />7"i ti <br />