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Mashpee Zoning <br />• Board of Appeals Hubert Krock Trust <br />4 Barry and Janet Krock <br />V-09-02 <br />Board with an even larger home? Mr. Furbush asks what the hardship is? Mr. Kirrane <br />feels the assessed value of the lot being $2.7 million constitutes a reason to build a home <br />according to the value of the lot. Mr. Nelson informs the Board and Mr. Kirrane that the <br />ZBA cannot look at financial issues as a hardship. Mr. Nelson informs the Board that he <br />cannot be in favor of a dwelling that contains 30% lot coverage and the applicant has not <br />met the criteria for granting a variance and the other members agree. Mr. Nelson makes <br />a motion to deny the variance request with prejudice. James Reiffarth seconds the <br />motion. All agree. So moved. The variance request is denied unanimously. This <br />Decision is conditioned on plans submitted by Cape & Islands Engineering, dated <br />October 20, 2008, revised December 1, 2008, Plan No. 072507 <br />At the Public Hearing on February 11, 2009 the Zoning Board of Appeals voted <br />unanimously to Deny the Petition for a Variance With Prejudice. <br />GENERAL FINDINGS <br />• 1. that the subject property is located at 4 Cross Street and contains 5,000 square <br />feet. <br />SPECIFIC FINDINGS <br />The Board determined that the applicant did not meet the criteria for the granting <br />of a variance. <br />