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-n' <br /> Objectives <br /> To ensure that new development and redevelopment does not increase travel delays or <br /> degrade travel times, volume to capacity ratio, reserve capacity or safety for surrounding <br /> roadways or intersections either d ring summer peak h rs or on an annual average basis. <br /> The CCC Transportation staff ask "Will the town's objectives (A d 8, for example) use the <br /> CCC's Regional Policy Plan (RPP) minimum performance standards or will they use their own, <br /> more strict, standards?" Town Planner responds: We will use our own standards, once they <br /> have been established. CCC staff is probably reacting to the implication in the wording of <br /> Objective A that zero increase in the factors noted will be allowed and that new construction or <br /> other improvements or alternatives will be required that would be in excess of those allowed in the <br /> regional policy plan. This is a significant "quality of life"policy question for the LPC: do we prefer <br /> to increase congestion, safety problems and the time it takes to get around town int order to avoid <br /> widening roads for aesthetic or other reasons, or do we want to maintain convenient, safe and iI' <br /> fairly quick travel around town (i.e. the same as today) by widening roads, adding shoulders, <br /> signals, new roads etc.? The RPP allows for very significant degradation of travel times and ! <br /> increases in congestion in order to avoid upgrading roads. Some sort of compromise might be <br /> wisest. <br /> In order to allow flexibility in how we deal with this issue when it comes to more specific policies or <br /> future regulations I would suggest that A. be revised to add the word "significantly"before the , <br /> words "increase"and "degrade". r; [t <br /> B. To ensure that new development and redevelopment pays an equitable share of the cost of „f" <br /> mitigating any resulting traffic impacts by both structural and non-structural improvements. <br /> (✓/h 6 1961 rcV <br /> Jane Coogan asks: "Would this include a user fee for trucks involved in construction to be set <br /> aside for repair of all road damages?" ;arty <br /> C. To ensure that new development and redevelopment minimizes motor vehicle traffic <br /> generation and participates in the provision of appropriate alternative transportation modes. <br /> D. To ensure that new transportation facilities or improvements are consistent with the Regional <br /> Policy Plan and the Town's transportation plan, and have no significant negative impacts on <br /> historic, scenic or natural resources. t.. <br /> E. To ensure that roadway construction and major reconstruction projects incorporate <br /> appropriate safe provisions for bicycle and pedestrian traffic where feasible. <br /> CCC Staff states: "It is important to note that construction and reconstruction must be consistent '. <br /> with the RPP. <br /> F. To increase bicycling and walking as alternatives to automobile trips and as recreational/ . ,';:,,' , <br /> visitor amenities through development of new facilities, linkage of existing facilities, <br /> improvement of road crossing safety, public education and other appropriate means. <br /> 4/16/96 ° <br /> 'ir <br />