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01/10/2007 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
Town Clerk
01/10/2007 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Minutes
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Mashpee Zoning <br />Board of Appeals Minutes <br />7 January 10, 2007 <br />• make this project much safer for emergency vehicles to pass through Echo Road and <br />would like the applicant to consider. The Board feels this is far too large of a project to <br />have it be a cul-de-sac. Attorney Kirrane mentions they are in negotiations with hopes <br />of an easement to Echo Road for the future. From there, there will be an access for any <br />over flow of traffic to spill onto Route 130. <br />Attorney Kirrane informs the Board that the sprinker system would be state of the art if <br />the concern is that of fire trucks entering the project. A discussion regarding <br />handicapped parking by Mr. Nelson begins and he feels these spots should be closest to <br />the front door. Attorney Kirrane agrees. The location of dumpsters is discussed and the <br />Board mentions that they cannot be blocked by parking and must have full access at all <br />times. John Slavinky of Cape & Islands mentions this was a preliminary drawing and <br />once the board endorses the project to a certain point all the specifics will be addressed. <br />Fred Borgeson asks for a specific site plan to be submitted. Mr. Slavinsky and Mr. <br />Giatrellis tell the Board they were waiting for a general feeling of approval for the project <br />before they moved into the specifics such as the site plan — they will make the changes as <br />suggested with the dumpsters and parking accordingly. <br />Regarding the second access, the Gangemi project that is at the town level for approval <br />will have inclusion in the secondary access. If the Planning Board is involved and <br />anything is done on that property, it will trigger the Cape Cod Commission which will <br />cost a lot of money. It is mentioned that the 14 acres in question are not subject to the <br />Cape Cod Commission. <br />Water District: Attorney Kirrane mentions that Mr. Giatrelis has had a number of <br />discussions with Andy from the Water District — they are still discussing the pressure and <br />must look into that further. <br />Marshall Brem asks Mr. Giatrelis what the build out time frame looks like. Mr. Giatrelis <br />says that depending on the market, possibly three years. <br />Charles Rowley, the ZBA's hired consulting engineer for this project has made <br />comments. He mentions that the pressure and volume are different and that applicant <br />needs to make contact with the Fire Department and do fire flow tests. <br />Attorney Jason Talerman concludes that the project needs to be brought up to the next <br />level and all the comments and requests from the ZBA should be incorporated. The <br />drainage, an appraisal (deed them into the right entity). There is a noise issue since the <br />project is so close to Otis — the federal govt. suggests 60-65 for volume. They need to <br />talk to the Base (Brian Nickerson) and report that to the ZBA. Stormwater management <br />— the system will need to be outside zone 2. Applicant should disclose location of <br />recreational uses. Attorney Talerman would like a traffic study done — discussion of <br />blinking light with foot traffic on the sidewalk. <br />0 <br />
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